Chapter 169 The Portal

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"There's no time left. What do you want in exchange for your cooperation? Just say it, and if I have it, it's yours," Flame Wave straightforwardly confronted Aurum Aspire in the City of Benevolence.

Aurum Aspire smiled lightly: "Flame Wave, you must have misunderstood something. I locked you up with that enchantress merely to let you see her true colors. I don't know why you're so keen on helping her escape."

"Let's cut to the chase, Aurum. We've been friends for years; you know me, and I know you. I'm aware of Jadelle's identity as a Sky Whisper and your desire to harness the Sky Whisper's energy to power up the spaceship, just like the humans did when they first arrived at Elemental Magnetic Star. I might not know what information you've got, but you should realize that having her alone isn't enough; even if it's possible, don't you see the problems left unresolved from the past?" Flame Wave had learned from Raina Grace's deductions about the numerous calamities and lingering dangers associated with the spaceship.

Aurum Aspire, surprised: "You know about these matters?" then cautiously added, "Sure, there are issues. But sacrifices are inevitable in the progress of human civilization..."

"I don't want to debate this," Flame Wave sidestepped the ethical dilemmas that have perennially haunted human history, focusing on the urgent matter at hand, "I just want to know if you've seen this symbol before?"

Aurum Aspire's gaze lingered on the hexagram symbol Flame Wave had shown him, pondering deeply.

Seeing his reaction, Flame Wave, with a mix of earnestness and threat, asserted: "As I said, whatever you want, just ask. This thing has no value to you, Aurum. I offer all I have, including our centuries of friendship, in exchange."

"You're right, I've seen it," Aurum Aspire no longer hesitated, "But honestly, I have no idea what it's for, hence my initial reluctance to respond."

"I suspect it's a portal," Flame Wave, needing Aurum Aspire's help, didn't hold back, sharing his insights, "Let's go check the place in the spaceship where this symbol is located, and figure out its purpose together."

Aurum Aspire, eager to unravel the spaceship's functionalities, saw Flame Wave's proposal aligning with his interests. It seemed Flame Wave genuinely wanted to rescue someone, and as long as it didn't interfere with his plans, Aurum was indifferent. "Alright, I'll take you there."

They arrived at a cabin with a similar symbol on the door. Comparing the two, Flame Wave noted they weren't exactly the same.

Aurum Aspire, looking for excuses for his earlier evasion, remarked: "See, they're not identical, which is why I didn't recognize it immediately."

Suppressing his impatience, Flame Wave asked, "Whether it's the same or not, we'll only know once we're inside. How do we open this door?"

Aurum Aspire, having a general understanding of the spaceship's operations, manipulated a nearby control panel to partially open the door, conserving the limited energy: "We're running low on energy; let's save where we can."

Without further discussion, Flame Wave entered.

The space was a tight, enclosed area, barely large enough for one person to stand. With minimal lighting, Flame Wave could just make out the bare metal walls, devoid of any designs, writings, or control panels.

"It's too cramped here for both of us. Leave and close the door; I'll examine it myself," Flame Wave told Aurum Aspire.

Aurum Aspire, leaning against the door frame, hesitated, frowning: "I've explored these areas; there's nothing special. The advanced functionality of a portal seems unlikely."

"You've explored, but I haven't. It's not that I doubt your abilities, but an extra pair of hands is always helpful. You want to solve the spaceship's mysteries, don't you?" Flame Wave's patience was thinning.

"You're really in a hurry, huh? The more anxious you are, the calmer you seem," Aurum Aspire noted Flame Wave's agitation, "Do you really care so much about that woman? You haven't known her for long, and you weren't this involved with Jade Thistle."

Flame Wave gave Aurum Aspire a deep look: "She saved my life; she's someone I must protect with all my might, someone I willingly commit to."

If not for the situation, Aurum Aspire would have laughed: "Is this something the flamboyant Silver Wolf would say? She really saved you?"

"She saved not just me, but also you," Flame Wave stopped Aurum's further inquiries, "I'm just trying to say, if you really want to bind me, then you must find Raina Grace with all your might. Now's not the time for questions."

Skeptically, Aurum Aspire reluctantly closed the door for Flame Wave: "I'll be right outside. Call me if you need anything." Though he deemed Flame Wave's efforts futile, the seriousness of his declaration revealed an unstoppable determination.

Saved me? Aurum Aspire found it hard to believe. Why didn't he know? But Flame Wave wouldn't lie about such matters, nor did he need to fabricate such a poor lie.

Setting aside his disbelief, Aurum Aspire found Flame Wave's vulnerability intriguing. Was this a genuine revelation or a bluff?

Regardless, he decided to help find the woman. It posed no threat to him and even provided leverage.

Thus, Aurum Aspire was less concerned about Flame Wave's potential waste of the spaceship's energy. Little did he know, this wasn't just a minor consumption but a complete depletion.

After Aurum Aspire sealed the chamber, the space became entirely enclosed, devoid of light and sound. Were it not for his own breathing, Flame Wave might have thought he was in a coffin.

In less than half a day since Raina Grace's disappearance, Flame Wave found himself trapped, unable to breathe or see light. But no matter how dire his situation, could it be worse than hers in the abyss, without hope? No, Raina Grace never despaired, so neither would he.

Calming down, Flame Wave meticulously inspected the pitch-black darkness for any trace.

Eventually, a faint shadow appeared on one side of the wall. Initially, Flame Wave suspected a hallucination, but over time, the shadow grew clearer, revealing vague patterns and text.

Whether due to the spaceship's dwindling energy or another reason, the light remained elusive, fading as if trying to hide again.

Flame Wave knew he couldn't wait any longer. The reachable light wheel seemed like a moon reflected in water, untouchable by hand or elemental magnetic power, and it was fading.

Stay calm. Yet, the dimming light felt like dwindling hope, as if Raina Grace's pleading eyes were fading in disappointment...

Then, it struck him—crystal eyes. Raina Grace had taught him the principle of using elemental magnetic power to see hidden elements. Flame Wave quickly adjusted his eyes' elemental magnetic power, discerning the light wheel's pattern cycling through water, earth, wood, fire, and metal elements.

This pattern became evident to him, allowing him to apply different elemental magnetic forces based on the elements displayed. As each element was activated, the light wheel brightened, and a pattern emerged on the ground.

Flame Wave noticed the pattern subtly changing, each resembling but not exactly matching his hexagram. He waited for the exact match, believing it to be the portal to Raina Grace.

Without hesitation, Flame Wave unleashed his elemental magnetic power at the wall's light wheel. The ground's hexagram emitted a white light that enveloped him, draining all the spaceship's reserve energy in the process.

By the time Aurum Aspire rushed to open the door, the chamber was empty, as if nothing had happened, except for the spaceship's energy warning alarms blaring throughout.

"F**k," Aurum Aspire slammed the door in frustration.

Elemental Magnetic StarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz