Chapter 23 Journey to the Earth Realm

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It was a long dream, spanning what felt like a lifetime. Waking up, Raina Grace only retained fragmented memories and a mix of emotions.

"Raina Grace? Raina Grace?" Flame Wave saw her eyelashes flutter but she didn't open her eyes, making him worry she might slip back into sleep, especially since she had already been asleep for three days and nights

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"Raina Grace? Raina Grace?" Flame Wave saw her eyelashes flutter but she didn't open her eyes, making him worry she might slip back into sleep, especially since she had already been asleep for three days and nights.

During these three days, Raina Grace lay motionless, breathing so slowly she barely seemed alive. Yet, her body was saturated with abundant water elements, and her peaceful, almost sacred appearance assured Flame Wave of her safety.

He had watched over her for three days. Initially, he was concerned about leaving her unguarded and unconscious. Later, he realized her water elements were radiating towards him, effortlessly replenishing his own. Eventually, he found peace in the quiet vigil, a tranquility he hadn't felt in a long time.

Now, as Raina Grace showed signs of waking, Flame Wave's mind, which had been in a standstill, started to function again. He had witnessed the scallop dissolve into silver-white water, seeping into her palm before she fainted, obviously overwhelmed by the excess energy.

Why had Raina Grace found something Jade Thistle had hidden and managed to assimilate it into her body?

When Raina Grace opened her eyes, she saw Flame Wave's complex gaze, filled with inquiry, doubt, and a hint of joy

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When Raina Grace opened her eyes, she saw Flame Wave's complex gaze, filled with inquiry, doubt, and a hint of joy...

She had been awake for a while and fully grasped what had happened, including why she had fainted.

"Thank you for bringing me here," she said. Without Flame Wave, she might still be lying in the cave, possibly in danger.

Flame Wave had been struggling with how to face Raina Grace. Was she related to Jade Thistle, or even Jade Thistle reincarnated? But then, the Falcon's cheerful cry from the rooftop interrupted his thoughts. The bird seemed agitated, eager to be near her.

Addressing Raina Grace's puzzled look, Flame Wave pointed upwards, "That's the White Falcon, my bird. Somehow, it's taken a sudden interest in you."

He found it strange. Initially, the White Falcon was reluctant to stay in the Surface Domain. He wouldn't have called it if Raina Grace hadn't been unconscious. Surprisingly, the bird showed no reluctance this time, instead appearing excited.

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