Pretty Please - Choi Woo Shik

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...W-Why is he so pretty?? It's not fair Dx

~Don't hate me, give love a chance. Don't need your heart, just need your hands. Knew from the start that this won't end. Don't you tease me, baby, please. Pretty please, pretty please. Pretty please, pretty please. Pretty please, pretty please. Pretty please, pretty please. Don't you tease me, baby, please~

"Miyeol~!" You turned when you heard someone call your name and saw your roommate and the person you've known the longest running up to you. "I heard that you've got another assignment."

"Yeah, the boss said that there's a new target that I have to go watch for a while."

"Oh, it's just a stakeout then?"

"Hm? No, boss said I'll probably be on this job for a few months. They want information before I get rid of the target."

She pouted and tugged at your sleeve, "So you're not going to be able to celebrate your birthday with me?"

You sighed and pat her head, "No, I'm sorry. You know how work is, especially when we have a job."

"I know, I know. I just wish you would learn to say no sometimes. Not always being on a job won't kill you, you know."

"Sorry, Ji."

"It's okay," she said with a shrug, "How about we celebrate now before your job starts?"

"Okay, let's do it."



"Just got here, I'll call you back when I finish the first task."

"Got it, be careful."

You ended the call and slipped your phone into your purse pocket before heading into the large building in front of you. Once you were inside you looked around and was slightly impressed by the décor of everything.

"May I help you?" A younger lady, probably a few years older than yourself, called out from behind a large white desk. 

You put on a business smile and walked up to her, "Hello, I actually have an appointment with Mr. Choi."

She nodded and looked to her computer screen, "May I ask your name?"

"Certainly, my name is Kim Hyejin."

She must've found your fake name because she smiled and stood from the desk motioning for you to follow after her. As you trailed along behind her you made sure to take note of everything for future notice. You looked back to her figure in front of you when she paused in front of another lady and informed her of who you were.

"She will let you know when he's ready to see you," she told you before she lead you to a seat. "Please wait here and she'll be right with you."

"Thank you very much," you said with another smile.

After a few silent minutes of you looking around the little waiting area your attention was brought back to the second lady at the desk when she cleared her throat slightly. 

"He's ready to see you now, Miss Kim. Please head on in," she said from her seat behind the desk.

You nodded and stood from the small seat, heading across the room to the door. Going over the facts of the target behind the door in your head quickly. After knocking and hearing a confirmation to go in you opened the door and the facts rushed through your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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