Critical Beauty(Yeo One-Pentagon)

369 13 2

Requested by: MarriedToKpop

~I was walking and I just found this rose on the street. If you like it, take it. I didn't know you liked pink, but seeing you hold it it does look good with you. Don't look at me like that. Stop asking me. Where did you learn to smile like that. I feel hot all of a sudden. Heat is rising for some reason~


Your eyes popped wide open and you gasped as you sat up quickly once the shrill noise reached your ears. You paused for a second to catch your breath and look at your surroundings to recognize where you were, before realizing you were in your class. Embarrassment covered you as you saw all the looks that your class mates were giving you and you slid farther down into your chair as you felt your cheeks heat up. 

You heard a snort from behind you and felt a hand tap your head making you pout and bring your own up to rub the sore spot. "Ouch," you muttered as you turned sideways in your chair and scowled at your boyfriend. 

"You're such a goof, I can't believe you fell asleep in class." Yeo One picked at you as he waited patiently for you to collect your things. 

"You didn't have to hit me though," you told him as you glanced up at him and pouted.

He smiled and bent over reaching his hand up to rub your head, "Mianhae. Come on now, school's out and I don't want to stay here longer than usual."

You shook your head but couldn't help to smile as he held onto your hand and led you from the classroom. A smile stayed on your face while the both of you walked hand in hand and headed out of the school building then started on your walk home. Yeo One talked about random things and you never complained, you loved listening to him get excited about something so when he got like this you would just stay quiet and listen.

"Hey, y/n, can we do something tonight?" He asked as he tilted his head and smiled down at you.

"Hm? Sure, what were you thinking?"

He paused for a minute and then cleared his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, well my parents are gone for the night so would you like to come over? I was- uh- I was planning on making dinner?"

Your eyes widened in surprise and you glanced over to him, a smile slowly crossed onto your face as you stopped and stared at him in amazement. "Wait, what? Really?"

"Mhm, ar-are you okay with that?" He asked slowly, a slight pink tint covering his cheeks. 

"Of course I am." You told him as you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, making him let out a laugh. "That sounds amazing."

You heard him sigh, most likely from relief, and he wrapped his arms around you as well. "Good, then shall we go?"

You pulled back from the hug and nodded about to start down the street again when he put his hand on your arm, stopping you. "What?"

~Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you want me to say the obvious? Why do you keep asking the obvious? That's how I feel. Why do you want me to say the obvious? It's written on your face. Why are you getting mad? You're a critical beauty~

He smiled and didn't say anything, instead he just nodded towards a car that had just pulled to a stop behind you. You glanced from the car to your boyfriend and felt your eyebrows pull together. 

"My uhm, my dad insisted." He bit his lip and looked away then back to you, "Are you okay with it. Cause we can walk if you wa-"

"What? Are you kidding? Let's go!" 

He laughed and followed behind you as you drug him to the car. 

*Time Skip brought to you by.....FACE MIST! Even Daesung promotes it!*

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