Going Crazy(Kogyeol-Up10tion)

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Okay, I felt weird just writing b/n so I chose a random guy's name c:

~You're too good for that guy. I told you, no. I'll take care of you, I'll accept all of you. No matter what you do, no matter what anyone says, no one can stop me. Baby I don't know, why do you keep teasing me? If you really don't like me, you don't have to look at me but you come before me then you quickly disappear. Where are you going, leaving me here? I feel down, low low low. That's enough, stop playing with me. You keep playing games, up & down~

"Y/n, annyeong~" 

A smile lit up your face and you turned in your seat, [insert your fav morning drink] still in your hand, and bowed your head slightly to Minjae. He placed his hand on your head and ruffled your hair making you pout and swat his hand away.

"Yah~ I've told you before not to do that right?" You whined as you huffed and fixed your hair.

He laughed and sat in the chair in front of you, setting his bag on the chair beside him. "So? You know I'll do it anyways," he told you as he smirked and then smiled at the waitress who brought him his drink and chocolate croissant. "So, why'd you ask to meet here?"

"You asked me if I wanted to study with you for the test Friday," you trailed off with a tone of confusion in your voice.

He paused and then stared at you blankly for a few seconds. "I did?"

You rolled your eyes, used to his forgetfulness by now, and shook your head before taking a sip of your drink. "Anyways, you brought your laptop right?"

He nodded quickly and took a bite from his croissant his eyes closing from the delightful taste. You chuckled and pulled out your laptop setting it on the table, turning it on and connecting to the little cafe's wifi.

"Oh, so I heard from Jooyeon-ah that she tried to set you up with one of her cousins again?"

You rolled your eyes slightly and sighed, "Yes she did, even though she knows I'm not interested."

"Why's that?" He asked you with a tilt of his head and a smirk, as if he already knew the answer.

You felt heat rise to your cheeks and quickly his your face behind your laptop. You knew exactly why you turned down all the countless guys your best friend threw your way and that reason wasn't as simple as it seemed. You had a small crush on Minjae and though it sounded like it wasn't a big deal it certainly was, because you never had the courage to tell him how you felt since you knew he didn't feel the same.

"You like someone?" He looked down to his cup with a blank face but you saw a flash of something before he went blank again.

"I-We-I, uh, don't have to tell you that." You stated before pulling up the papers you'd need for the study guide.

He scowled and muttered something as he poked at his croissant. 

"What?" You asked with confusion as you stared at him from over the laptop.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." Minjae was quick to reply as he coughed into his hand and pulled out his laptop.

~Third Person POV:  

Minjae spent the rest of the study 'date' stealing glances at y/n and smiling slightly. He wanted to tell her already, tell her that he really liked her and always has but there was one thing keeping him from doing so. Though he couldn't tell her his secret because he knew she would never accept his feelings then, probably would never want to see him again. So for now, to keep her by his side, he would withhold his secret deep inside him and never let it out.

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