You're my Heartbreaker(GD)

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Okay, so I couldn't find a song that I needed to fit the theme so I just used this one bc I like it lol so....yeah x'D  Again, the title of this imagine doesn't really have anything to do with the storyline!!

~I don't give in no matter what I'm still useful, I haven't died yet. Only you caused this damaged body, broken dreams, missing heart. If it's for you, this one body will fly for; it will run to where you are but still you say "goodbye, goodbye" to me~

"Jiyong-ah!!" You shouted up the stairs to your husband, you had to fight the urge to go up there and pull him down here yourself because you agitated since this was the fifth time you called him. "Kwon Jiyong!" 

You heard footsteps hurrying down the stairs and glared at your husband as soon as he came in front of you. "What? Why do you look like your pissed?" He asked you, suddenly becoming nervous which made you glad.

Good, you thought. He should be nervous. "What is this?" You asked him as you showed him your phone, making sure to watch his face to see his reaction.

"Uhm," he looked between you and the phone not knowing what to say, "Me at a jewelry store?"

"Exactly. What were you doing a jewelry store?" You asked confused since he had never gotten you any jewelry, except for your wedding ring and engagement ring he had never even gone in a jewelry store.

He visibly gulped which confused you even more. "Uhm, I was getting something for a friend."

~You say you don't like me, what's the reason why? Your annoyed expression that gives everything away makes me sad. But even if I still like you and asked you for a chance, I don't like the cold look in your eyes when you turn away~

"A friend?" You said, not believing one word. You refrained from rolling your eyes even though you knew he was lying, you had a bad attitude when you were upset or mad and when it wasn't at him Jiyong loved him but when it was directed at him he hated it. 

"Uhm, yes. A friend. That's okay, stop hounding me." He told you as he walked past you and into the kitchen.

You were taken back by his tone and rushed to follow him. "Excuse me?" Time to bring the attitude, you thought as you glared at his back. "I was not hounding you, I asked you one time and I was just trying to figure out why you were there. You've never gone in a jewelry store before so why now?"

"Just drop it, okay? Jeez get off my back," he turned and screamed at you. 

You sighed, shook your head, then turned and started walking away. "Fine, I'll be in my room. Feel free to sleep on the couch," you muttered as you walked up the stairs and stalked to your bedroom slowly.

You were upset because Jiyong has never raised his voice at you before, of course the fights you two had were bad but never bad enough to where you screamed at one another. You guys always talked through it and never yelled, it was something both of your close friends envied of your relationship. You were also curious though, what the hell is it that made him so touchy on the subject? 

~You're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker. What did I do wrong? You're my heart heart heart heart heartbreaker. No way, no way. Even if you say you'll leave me, I won't be able to acknowledge it, let's see how well you live. Lovers and haters, this is-this is-tiresome, unsteady. You think lowly of my love? [No way]~

You awoke by someone shaking you lightly, making you sit up and rub your eyes. You didn't even remember falling asleep to be honest. Looking up you saw Jiyong standing by the bed and looking down at you with remorse in his eyes. Sighing, he sat beside you as you scooted over on the bed to make room for you and grabbed your hands. 

*ON HIATUS* Kpop&K-Actors Imagines [Requests CLOSED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu