Why Goodbye(Mika/Lee Suhoon-The Boss[DGNA])

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~This message is to you, I know you still love me too baby~

You put your last piece of clothing into the suitcase and, with difficulties, you zipped it up and set it on the floor. You walked into the bathroom and started to collect all of your bathroom necessities and putting them into your toiletries bag that you had gotten from the cabinet under the sink. Silently tears slowly fell down your face but no matter how many times you wiped them away or told yourself to stop, there seemed to be no end to them. The tears were endless, no matter how much you didn't want to cry you knew that it would be better to do it now than later.

"Why?" You asked yourself silently as you slid down to the floor, shaking from the sobs escaping you. Why? Why did it come to this? Weren't we happy? You brought your knees up to your chest and let yourself cry, letting all of the locked up emotions rush free.

After a little while, you were finally calm enough to finish packing your things. Tears kept escaping your eyes but it wasn't so bad now that you had let everything out, so you just wiped them away and continued the task at hand. You finished in the bathroom and headed back into the bedroom, setting the box down then sitting on the edge of the bed you rubbed your eyes and cleared your throat. I keep remembering, you thought, why do I keep remembering?

~Why goodbye, why goodbye, I hear it but I don't hear your words~


"Jaaaggiiiiii, I'm home!!"

"Suhoonie~ I missed you," you called as you ran and jumped into his arms.

"Aw, I missed you too!! Oh! I've got you a little souvenir when we stopped for one of the concerts." He set you down and dug around in his bags, searching for the gift he bought you. "Okay so I did have something, I promise, but uh it looks like it disappeared."

You laughed and kissed his cheek, "I don't care, because I've already got a gift."

"You do? From who?"

You rolled your eyes and said, "You dumbbell, you being home is my gift."

He smirked, "I knew that I just wanted you to say it." You started laughing and smiled as he pulled you to him and kissed the top of your head.

~Can't let you go, can't let you go. Please block your blade-like lips~

[End of flashback]

"No! Don't remember, y/n. You'll only hurt more. Don't think, don't think." You've repeated that to yourself so many times you have lost count. Why was it so hard for you to just let go of him? Sighing, you laid back on the bed. Because I love him, that's why it's so hard to let go.

You never wanted any of this to happen, you thought that you two would fight through everything together and never part. But that's just life isn't it? You get something you find precious and never think you'll lose it but one day you end up getting it taken away. This is why you never wanted to trust anyone, the reason you never wanted to love because you know that everyone has a mask on. No one is ever what they truly seem, or at least that's what you thought until you met Suhoon or Mika as he's commonly known by.

[Story Time]

He helped you with your fears and you helped him with his, both of you came to trust and confide in each other. Slowly over time you two confessed your love and everything turned out to be perfect, until that day that is. You remember that you had gotten home later than usual due to paperwork at work and all you wanted was a nice night relaxing with your amazing fiance. Of course, seeing as luck has never been in your favor you opened the door and was about to say something when you heard Mika talking to who you assumed was the manager, on his cell phone.

~Your words are like a storm that covers me. Without warning, it shakes me up like chaos. My burned up heart is so dangerous~

"Yes I understand. So I have to do it tonight? Yes, alright I can do it. I just have to break up with her, I mean it's not like it's a big deal. I can do it. Yeah, alright bye I'll call you tomorrow. She'll be home any minute. Mhm, night." [A/n: I would kill him '-.-. He would not see tomorrow x'D jkjk]

You heard him get up and start walking towards where you were standing and you tried to move, but your feet had turned to stone and you felt like if you moved you would pass out. You heard his footsteps stop as he got right in front of you.

"Y/n! H-how long have you been there?" You didn't answer, you couldn't. You were afraid that if you did you'd get sick. "Y/n? Hey, are you alright. You look sick, come here."

When he reached his hand out your hand came out and slapped his away. "Don't. Don't touch me."

"Wait, no please y/n let me explain." He begged trying to grab your hands, which you kept pulling away from him.

"Explain? I think you pretty much already explained it. You want to break up? Fine with me, me and my stuff will be out of here by tomorrow." With that you turned and walked to the bedroom, where after locking the bedroom door you sat and cried.

After a couple minutes you heard a knock and heard Mika say, "Y/n please, you have to listen to me." You stayed silent, knowing that you would start sobbing and you didn't want him to hear that. "Please," he said, "Let me explain. Please." His voice cracked, which let you know he was crying and crying was something he rarely ever did when you were around because he didn't want to seem weak. You stayed where you were, no matter how hard it was not to rush into his arms and hear him out, you stayed put because you were hurt.

~My heart still wanna be with you. Only my painful tears are falling down, don't hurt me no more~

[Present Time Period]

You taped up the last box and hauled it down the hallway, setting it down in the living room. Everything was done and now you were just waiting for your brother/sister to come help you move your stuff into his/her place. You sat at the kitchen table and sipped a glass of water while you waited, your nerves were so frazzled that you jumped at every little sound. You heard the door open and sighed in relief that your sibling had come before Suhoon had gotten home.

"Hey, thanks for helping. I've moved all the boxes into the livi-," you stopped short when you saw Suhoon there at the door, panting and out of breath. You looked down at his hands and saw that they were bleeding, same with his knees. You swallowed your fear and asked, "What happened to you?"

"I-I ran here, so I could get here in time. There's something I need to tell you and you need to hear me out."

You shook your head and looked away crossing your arms, an old habit you used to have that you would do when you were afraid and trying to protect yourself by shutting the world out. Mika knew that, so he sighed and walked slowly towards you. "Hey," he said softly, "Look at me."

Your eyes slowly looked over at him and widened when you saw tears in his eyes. "Why?"

~The cold rain becomes my tears, as you seep into my heart. At the tip of the cliff between heaven and hell, I am lost so don't leave me~

"Because I-."


Muahahaha ermergersh I feel so evil x'D I seriously can't ever choose a bias in The Boss/DGNA. Like it's Mika but Jay has just been wrecking the list so much lately x'D Anyways, I'm sorry guys but my head and eyes are currently killing me so I'm going to stop here. If you want a part 2 please comment or something so I'll know you guys liked this one D'x Please spread the love and word of this story if you guys like it D'x it would mean so much to me!! Anyways, peace out girl scouts. Love and cookies!~(^.^)~

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