Chapter 340: Opening Old Wounds

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Akemi's eyes were empty her entire body felt numb. "When I woke up...I was in a hospital room. I was immediately hugged by my grief stricken parents and practically drowned by the apologies from them and Kurotama for not acting sooner. The entire mission lasted for roughly two and a half hours. I felt happy when Kurotama told me Genkaku would live but...I was numb when he informed me that the sanity of the Crimson Court was severely compromised. Mostly over the Demon's fury and of my...unheroic actions, leaving them in a permanent state of social isolation within Tartarus for the rest of their lives."

She frowned and closed her eyes. "Apparently all the reporters needed to turn that tragedy into a Mount Lady sized scandal was hearing the psycho's screaming 'Demon Hero, and Bloody Harionago' as if we were the villains." She bowed her head in shame. "That scandal forever cemented my reputation of terror with every lowlife criminal in Japan."

She looked up and saw the horror in her students eyes. No one dared to speak.

What they just heard was so was beyond words.

Bakugo looked like he was mentally cursing up a storm. Most were pale faced and shaking, or silently crying in grief over their teacher.

Hitoshi looked like he stopped breathing only to take a very long shaking breath. "Oh man..."

Suddenly a broken voice entered Akemi's ears.

"That night...That night we shared eleven years ago...the night that lead to me getting beaten into the ground by your father—you and I—you were crying and couldn't tell me why you were so upset you just asked me...begged me to—and then we—!"

Shota abruptly stood up and turned away from her. "A week! We Had Sex A Week After You Were Almost RAPED!" He clenched his teeth together in a painful bite as he closed his eyes and allowed the tears to fall. "Akemi—how? How could you live your life with that secret for soooo long?" He spun around and gestured towards himself. "Without feeling like you could tell me!? Me?!"  He looked anguished and hurt as he bowed his head and grabbed his hair shaking his head in disbelief and shame.

Akemi was in tears. "You make it seem like it's so easy for any woman to say that they were almost raped Shota, but it's not!"

Shota covered his eyes with his arm and spoke in a strangled sobbing tone and he cursed himself over hearing her defensive tone.

"You're mistaking my tone for anger Akemi. But I'm not mad..." he looked at her and placed his hand to his heart. "I'm heartbroken." He sobbed in anguish. "Akemi experienced something that was so tragic, so brutally horrifying that—that I can't even find the right words to give my feelings justice in this moment! I'm still trying to process what you just told me! The news didn't say that you and Genkaku witnessed the killing of the children."

His lips were trembling as he breathed heavily, gasping in a desperate attempt at calming himself down but failing, badly as he stared down at her.

She looked so small, fragile, broken.

He bit his lower lip and continued. "They were left with just the police report, just like the rest of us, because neither you or Genkaku wanted to ever talk about what happened! After a month you practically faded into obscurity while Genkaku...was isolated in the Gladiator Agency because he was under intense mental training to control his quirk. Training I was pivotal in helping him undertake. He was kept under strict regulations by the hero society even after all that faded like a piece of old news. According to Kurotama he only just now regained the trust of the safety commission since he's buddies with that demonic psyche! It's the entire reason why he was given the leadership role in handling that mission with his uncle!"

He breathed heavily and continued venting.

"And yet...all those insensitive reporters turned that horrific tragedy into a media firestorm. They sullied your hero name in a despicable scandal! Daring to place doubts in the minds of the citizens about why the government is still allowing this alleged Harionago Hero to continue with her career after sending five villains into an insane asylum before being shipped off to Tartarus?! I hated the media long before then but now that I—now that I know what happened to you I—I hate myself more than I ever thought possible for never realizing how insensitive I was towards you. I'm constantly bringing that up like it was something to joke about. To be laughed over. I never asked you or Genkaku what happened because I respected your privacy, and because I had figured that since you refused to refute the police account...then it must have been true."

He frowned. "I was left to believe that you and Genkaku arrived to late to save the children, and that the bastards immediately figured out you were both pro heroes. Of how Genkaku lost control of the Demon before destroying what little sanity they had. Of how you in a state of horror—emotionally snapped—at the sight of the children's mutilated bodies."

He bowed his head in shame. "Now that I know what actually happened the reality is so much worse than anything I could've ever imagined!"

He turned to her and spoke with tears streaming down his face. "Akemi..." He fell onto his knees in front of her and pulled her into his arms as she violently sobbed over that life long wound opening up. "I'm sorry...please let it out darling let it all out."

"I—I...I was so scared Shota! I was so so scared! I didn't want you to even touch me at the hospital when you arrived with Hizashi! Not after what he did...what he almost did! You almost lost me Shota! He was violating me and I froze up! I FROZE UP!" She weakly slammed her fist against his chest with her forehead resting against his shoulder. Her body was shaking violently with her sobs.

"I'm a terrible human being. I'm such a horrible hypocrite Shota!" She smacked her fist weakly against his chest again. "I yelled at you! I cursed you ridiculed you over that Mafia fight club mission. I—I shouted with you—and argued with you—and said out of spite that your not supposed to lie to your wife—and yet I've lied...I continued to lie. All because I couldn't even tell you that I was almost raped by a BASTARD PSYCHOPATHIC CLOWN."

She broke down in an anguished sob and Shota just so happened to look up and see the students of Vlads class and Vlad staring at them in shock. Shota gathered his sobbing wife into his arms holding her bridal style and carried her past their students, Vlads class, and Vlad before stopping.

"Will someone please go and tell the Mouse that Miss Yuriemoto and I will be taking a mental health day for the rest of the day. If he asks...then tell him to speak to me. And under no circumstance is this to be mentioned to anyone else. Hitoshi I'm leaving the explanation of Vlads class to you. Not a word to anyone else understand not without Akemi's approval."

Akemi was unsettlingly quiet within his arms and he quickly realized she was asleep from emotional exhaustion.

He turned and saw Emiko asleep. "Hitoshi, did you brainwash your baby sister to sleep through all that?"

" it okay if we hold onto her for the rest of this class period?"

Shota arched a brow. "Why?"

Hitoshi's arms subconsciously pulled Emiko closer. "Cuddles and hugs from the emotional support baby...that's why!"

Shota knew that Hitoshi clearly needed his infant sister to help ground him and the other students if they were going to get through explaining all that to Vlads class.

"'s her nap time anyway just don't over exert yourself with your quirk."

"I won't dad."

Shota's eyes softened over the emotions coming from the boy and the looks of support from his students.

"Oh and...if Eri asks...send her to the dormitory."

With that said he left for the dormitory his heart a hurricane of emotional pain over what he's just learned and the grief his beloved wife bore for sooooooooo long.

He kissed her temple. "Oh Akemi...I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell me. I'm sorry you felt so alone. I love you my darling. I'll help you get past this and every other trauma! However I can, no matter what, I'll help you!"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara