Chapter 202: The Ash Tree Park

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Hitoshi was laughing. "Wait to go mom! I would've brainwashed that jerk into making a complete fool of himself!"

Shota smirked softly and chuckled in intrigue and slight hesitation.

"I'd hate to be him if you had been around back then son. And yeah she was and still is a force to be feared when angered. She isn't the Scariest Teacher at U.A. for nothing son. Even back then Akemi earned the respect and instilled a healthy douse of fear within the teachers that day."
After a brief talk with the teachers after school about (other) means of handling the situation without giving a kid a black eye, Akemi was smiling as she greeted Shota at the entrance to the school.

Shota smiled softly and took her arm like a gentleman getting her to blush before leading her to the secluded Ash Tree Park.

Shota smiled at her as they walked along the paths up a hill where they sat down on the bench underneath the large ash tree. Shota kissed her lips softly and she grinned at him. Shota chuckled softly and hid his blushing face within his scarf but Akemi reached up and pulled it down with a playful smirk. He sighed softly and rested his head against hers. Akemi's fingers were now fiddling with his capture scarf.

He sighed softly and kissed her temple. "Heard you punched Sensoji in the eye."

Akemi blushed. "Oh, so you heard about that..."

Shota smirked and kissed her lips. "Heard about it? Akemi the whole school wouldn't shut up about it!"

Akemi laughed and he smiled lovingly over her laugh and took her hand caressing her knuckles with his thumb. "Thank you for standing up for me."

Akemi smiled softly and rested her head against his shoulder watching the sun slowly setting. Thankfully Akemi was staying at Sergeant Gunheads house until her parents returned from America. It was close to Mr. Yamada's apartment complex so Shota didn't have to worry about it being the middle of the night before Akemi got home. It'd be a nightmare getting her back to the Yuriemoto's mountainside home. Especially considering he doesn't have a car yet.

Akemi sighed happily before her entire body vibrated because of her phone. She pulled out her phone and spoke. "I have got to stop putting my phone on vibrate it feels weird!"

Shota looked and spoke. "Your parents are FaceTiming you."

"Well it is 7:18 in the morning where they are Shota."

She opened the FaceTime and smiled only to frown at her father's smiling grin his face was covered in bruises and the sounds of a battle were in the background. "Heya Kiddo!"

"Daddy what did I say about FaceTiming me during a battle?!"

Nobuyuki was using his hair as a whip and captured an enemy, that had a stone based quirk, and slammed the guy into the asphalt when the villain was trying to bludgeon him to death from behind.

"Soooo how was school today?"

"Don't change the subject! What happened to your face?!"

Nobuyuki playfully scoffed with an eye roll.

"Oh I'm fine this is nothing! Whoa...!" He suddenly ducked as another villain was thrown over his head and the screen turned towards Manami Yuriemoto who was paralyzing a villain with her quirk. "Nobuyuki Yuriemoto enough chitchat more combat! Oh hi dearie hi Shota see you soon!"

Nobuyuki grinned brightly at the screen again. "See we're fine! So how was school? I heard from Recovery Girl that you got into a fight Akemi."

"Before you say anything daddy that guy deserved it!"

Manami's voice piped up. "I'm sure he did sweetie now Nobuyuki can you be a dear and HELP ME OUT WITH THIS VILLAIN PLEASE!!!!"

The phone turned towards Manami who was wrestling against a villain that was four times her size. The villain was looming over her and had over a dozen stingray barbs embedded into his skin but something was wrong. The barbs appeared to be stuck and he was absorbing her paralytic toxins like it was an energy boost drink.

It was draining her stamina substantially as their hands were locked in a battle of strength with Manami trying to push him off her. The psychotically grinning villain seemed to be growing and getting increasingly stronger. Manami's arms were shaking and her cheekbones were showing and her eyes were sunken in from the drastic drain of her stamina. Nobuyuki's eyes widened and he snarled in rage.

"Heya Little Gutter Punk She's A Married Woman!"

Nobuyuki punched the guy off his wife with his titanium hair formed into a big metal fist. He ran over and instead of asking if she was alright he shoved the FaceTime at his wife's drained and heavily panting face.

"Say hi dear!"

Manami was irritated at the grinning man.

"Shut Up you cheeky bastard. Leaving it to the last minute why don't you?! Oh you're ever the hero aren't you Nobuyuki Yuriemoto? You're lucky I'm not unconscious right now."

Nobuyuki chuckled hesitantly and helped her stand. She weakly punched him in the chest.


Manami grumbled as her stamina was returning and her face no longer looked like a gaunt and sickly skeleton. "Shut up I know that didn't hurt you."

Nobuyuki kissed her cheek with a willy grin. "I know but I don't want your pride to be broken my sweet!"

Manami blushed. "Oh hush you old charmer."

Shota smirked at the married squabble. "So Shota my boy, sorry about not being here to intern you again. You found an Agency yet?"

"No...I haven't."

"Don't worry boy you'll find one!"

"Well Akemi it's getting late over there for you, we'll call tomorrow after school."

"Okay bye mom, try not to kill dad!"


Manami grinned smugly. "I won't sweetie."

The FaceTime ended and Shota smirked. "She's going to kill him."

Akemi elbowed him and he laughed. Akemi smiled. "I missed hearing you laugh Sho."

"I've laughed plenty of times Akemi!"

"It's forced Shota, same as your smile!"

Shota looked at her and frowned in sadness as she spoke. "I love your smile but now I..."

Shota held her. "Hey, Hey...I'm sorry Akemi. I just...I just,"

She silenced him. "I know Shota I just wish I knew how to help you..."

Shota sighed and pulled her closer as they headed towards Sergeant Gunheads apartment above his dojo.

He kissed her goodbye and whistled the tune for Walk Me Home by Pink. It was one of Akemi's favorite songs. Akemi was listening to him as she smiled softly from the opened window.

He wasn't back to being his old self just yet, but the more he spent with Shira-Kumo, Hizashi, and her the more he was coming back to life every day.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now