Chapter 289: A Glorified Fool, a Sneaky Shadow, or the Resilient Fighter

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"Well you ready Genkaku?"

Genkaku's entire body was tense as he stared at U.A. High. "If I'm being brutally honest. I'd rather be anywhere else than this hell hole of blind obedience and organized learning."

Kurotama laughed before slapping him on the back. He then grabbed a cigarette and lit it with his lighter. "Ha that's the spirit, I think it's time to re-educate the next generation on what it means to be a hero. But first..." Kurotama grabbed a black head covering from his trench-coat pocket and put it on his head to cover the scars of the cranium. He knew from looking at Genkaku's smirk that he was arching a brow.

"What? I did the same for you when we met."

Genkaku smirked. "Sure...but I'm not like most people. I also know you wanna have fun traumatizing then as much as I do."

Kurotama chuckled as they walked under the gate towards the school.

Nezu greeted them with Shota and Akemi. Kurotama grunted at Nezu with his arms crossed.


"Inquisitor, welcome back! Asylum it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

Nezu bowed and Genkaku's lips twitched in a reaction that practically screamed of just how uncomfortable he was being here. He suddenly grunted and muttered a curse when Kurotama roughly grabbed him by the back of his neck and yanked his head down into a stiff bow.

Genkaku swatted his hand away with a scoff upon rising from the forced bowing. He heard a snicker and turned to face him.

His eyes immediately glared at the stupid Mummy Ninja from behind his head covering.

"Erasure Brat..." he turned to Akemi and smirked. "Harionago you still keeping him in line?"

"Oh yes, he knows better than to cross me. He told me all about that little mission yesterday..."

Genkaku smirked wickedly. "Did he now? Oh do tell?"

Shota chuckled hesitantly. "Yeah and she chewed me out for it..."

Genkaku grinned wickedly. "She went easy on you. I would've killed you."

"You threaten to kill everyone. I have a student who reminds me of you every time he says the word die!"

"Daddy who are they?"

Both men looked down and stared into the innocent red eyes of the personification of an apple pie. "Are they those Heroes you talked about in your story Daddy?"

Genkaku's jaw hung slack. "You have a kid?!"

"Three actually. Two of them are adopted, Hitoshi Shinso and Eri. The youngest of the three is the only blood relation to Akemi and I, her name is Emiko. She's with her uncle Hizashi right now while he's editing my students papers for grammatical errors. You can meet her after the meet and greet with the students."

Shota looked down at Eri who was clinging to his legs when Akemi grinned and introduced them to Eri.

"This Little Apple Pie is Eri..."

All Genkaku did was stare. The image that came to his mind was rather humorous.

 The image that came to his mind was rather humorous

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Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now