Chapter 243: "You call that a watergun?" ... "THIS IS A WATERGUN!"

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Bakugo nicknames everyone accept for Kirishima.

To say that this past year at U.A. was anything normal is a lie. Especially when your teachers are a man in a yellow Caterpillar sleeping bag and a living Harionago Yokai!

Bakugo noticed a change in them the moment he saw his two teachers sparring together during the first week of attending U.A. He saw the change grow and was stunned by the revelation of the marriage let alone a baby!

He had a healthy level of respect for Aizawa after the Sports festival and that doubled during the Hero Conference. He was silently still terrified of Akemi and uncomfortable at the beginning of the dormitory situation. Whoever said that a pregnant Harionago was 100 times scarier than the normal Harionago and didn't bother saying a dam thing is on Bakugo's hit list.

He still hates Insomniac's snarky guts and warmed up to the little smiling munchkin. He even considered the Aizawa's family...though he'd never admit it out loud.

The conjoining factor in all this was Eri.

The little squirt could warm the coldest of hearts. And Bakugo would fight the fool who says otherwise.

It became common to see Eri spending time with both hero classes in the same place.

Bakugo would smirk over her standing on the couch, punching at the air with an equally excited Kirishima, Wreck-It-Kendo, Double Iron-Man, X-Men's: The Beast, and Captain Airhead yelling at the wrestling matches playing on the TV. Bakugo would grin wickedly whenever Eri yells that old wrestling gimmick.


Monkey-boy and 1-B's Rocker Mantis would play Kung fu Panda with her. She would always be was adorable.

She'd have Skeletal-Quicksand make enough sand to create sandcastles.

She'd then watch the human Welder of 1-B craft metal animals with his quirk while Mister Drill Fingers digs holes outside so Poison Ivy can plant pretty flowers outside Eri's bedroom window.

The Black Falcon could be seen walking around the dorm most mornings, looking like a brooding Batman wishing for a longer night of Revelry In The Dark. He'd look like Batman if he wasn't always eating away at an apple. Whenever he turns a corner you can see Eri, busy playing with Dark Shadow's claws, completely disregarding the fact that the sentient shadow was perfectly capable of doing some damage.

Bakugo would shy away from the dress up parties with Captain Sparkles and ignore the high pitched squealing from Pinky, Little Miss Disappear, that Creepy Salamander, and the Mushroom Fanatic giggling over Eri as the child played with Shy-Guys pet bunny rabbit.

Bakugo threatened to make Rabbit stew once if the rodent pooped in his bedroom. He already had to deal with Tsukiko's hairballs.

Pikachu would offer to play Pokémon with her on the Tv and Miss Sonic Heartbeat would play music for her. The human Glue-stick would make artwork with her.

The softball Jockey showed Eri how to throw a mean pitch that even impressed Bakugo. Twin impact would then use his quirk to show her how strong her pitch is when amplified.

Mister Octi (Bakugo uses Emiko's nickname to address Shoji because heh why not) would play as a hydra that the 'Brave Warrior Princess Eri' would try to befriend with her Pony Princess companion only to fight against Dragon-Boy and the Evil mastermind the Laughing Hyena!

During those plays Mister Onomatopoeia was the narrator and would create huge onomatopoeia's behind them during any exciting parts. They usually had to perform those plays outside...for that reason.

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