Chapter 322: Manami vs. Nobuyuki

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Manami grinned wickedly and many of the students froze upon seeing Akemi in that wild grin. She spoke, "So, in other words..." as she shifted her Bruce Lee pose to raise her right hand in an open hand block while her left hand was in a waiting punch held close to her chest.

Her right hand was hovering in front of her face obscuring her nose and lips so Nobuyuki couldn't see her wicked smirk. "Battle Strategy Beta?"

Nobuyuki chuckled as he smirked with a wild glint in slate grey eyes. "Battle Strategy Beta! Hand To Hand Combat!"

Manami smirked playfully as she egged him on to attack. "Well then, by all means oh mighty hero, come at me!"

He chuckled tauntingly and attacked. "Watch and learn students, your in for a real show!"

Manami waited until his fist was inches away and she abruptly shifted to the right, grabbed his arm with her right hand, and smirked playfully as she twisted his arm behind his back. She applied pressure on his arm, getting him to hiss in pain as she leaned up and whispered with a flirtatious smirk.

"You're going easy on me Nobuyuki." She then frowned upon hearing him cursing over the uncomfortable pressure on his arm. "Consider this pain a punishment for not giving me a proper challenge."

She roughly shoved him away and to further damage his pride she performed a flawless hook kick and kicked him right in the jaw. Nobuyuki was sent slamming into the concrete arena and it cracked under the force. He got the air knocked out of his lungs and gasped into a hacking cough.

Manami was ticked off and egged him on.

"Where's That Hero Who Dared To Tame The Wild One Of U.A. Huh? Where Did The Fire Of Your Tenacity Go Nobuyuki? Did It Wither Away Over Time?"

He stood up and snarled. He charged at her but she ran at him and grabbed the fabric of his hero costume she did a judo throw slamming him into the arena. He groaned in pain upon the arena floor as his eyes were closed shut over his bruising muscles. Manami scoffed and walked away from him knowing full well that he could still hear her shouting remarks.

"You Used To Not Even Flinch Over A Kick To The Jaw. Now A Judo Throw Can Do You In? If You Can't Even Fight Against Me As You Would Against A Villain Then Why Even Bother With This Demonstration Nobuyuki?"

Nobuyuki's eyes opened and he immediately did the Kung Fu move where he goes from laying on his back to propping him hands beneath him, as if he was doing the Yoga Bridge pose, and pushed himself off the arena floor into a standing position.

"On the contrary my dear." He did his own Kung fu stance and beckoned her to come at him with a smug grin. "I'm just getting started!"

Manami smirked and chuckled darkly, "Just getting started?" She ran at him. "THEN PROVE IT!" The entire school watched as they went at it in a martial arts brawl that would make Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee proud!

Nobuyuki sweeped her legs but was kicked in the jaw once again by her foot. She leapt backwards after he sweeps her legs and balanced on one hand after performing the kick to his jaw. Then she pushed herself away from him, high up in the air and landed on her feet five feet away from him.

She spun around with her right leg out from her side as her big toe glided across the arena floor creating a crescent arch as she rapidly spun her body to face him. She smirked and laughed mockingly.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now