Chapter 253: Flowers for every grave

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Akemi woke up feeling well rested. She had started yoga therapy with Ibara after school yesterday and was surprised by the turnout of the other students and Eri joining her.

She sighed as the sun shined upon her through the curtains and and felt something brushing against her body. She looked down towards her barren body and smiled softly over the strong scar covered right arm that was wrapped firmly around her waist. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and her eyes widened.

*Oh-Oh Goddam...* Shota was snoring softly on his back with his bare chest exposed from the blankets. The muscles of his chest and arms were flexed like a sexy Batman! She blushed fuchsia from her chest all the way up to her ears as her mouth was going dry. Her eyes were locked onto her husband's sleeping body and her imagination was going wild.

*Seriously how the hell can he still look so flexed while he's asleep? I know last night was wonderfully intense but ohhhh God why did you have to make him this incredibly sexy!*

Needless to say, Akemi was horribly turned on. She tried to roll over without waking Shota, wanting to get a better look at him without him knowing. However, his arm tightened its hold upon her body.

"No," Shota said, his voice gravelly in his deep slumber. "'S-too early,"

Something in Akemi's stomach flipped over his tone of voice. It was something hot and delicious, burning inside her coupled with the affection over her husband being so freaking adorable when he's talking to her with such a sleepy tone.

"Shota," she giggled, trying to wiggle free. Not that she really wanted to get away from him, but it was a game to her at this point.

He growled and pulled her back against his chest to whisper into her ear, making her shiver in pleasure. "Harionago, I said no," he smiled into her neck, kissing the sweet-spot that was her bulging jugular vein with a growl before biting it softly and leaving a red mark upon her skin.

Akemi gasped and moaned softly as he kissed up her neck softly before wandering back down towards her collarbone. His hands were caressing her body as if he were playing on a harp. He growled and his lips travelled further down towards her left breast and kissed her there for some time.

Akemi was moaning with her panting breaths and closed her eyes.

"Fine," she breathed. "I guess...I can tolerate this...a little longer," she teased with a smirk.

Shota grinned against her soft skin and moved her body gently onto her back as he slowly straddled her hips. He kissed her lips and pressed himself against her body and grunted before breaking the kiss to let out a breathless groan of love as he moved in order to enter her slowly. Akemi moaned into that sudden pained whimper over her husband's actions. He was kissing her jawline as he waited for her to settle down with him.

"I'm sorry darling but... I'm incredibly turned on by you right now and I'm not sure I can go slow with you."

"Ah-Ohhh Shota please don't you dare go slow!" She screamed loudly in pleasure as he grunted and groaned in pleasurable panting breaths within her ear as he moved out of her only to roughly crash down into her body with a deep rumbling groan of lust. He was getting her and himself even more turned on, as he whispered huskily into her ear when he failed to move his hips.

"Good morning my love." He grinned devilishly as he then rocked his hips hard against her's grunting in lust over her silent open mouthed expression of pleasure. He grinned before grabbing ahold of their bedsheets as the hot intensity of his own movements racked through him like electric currents. He bowed his head against her neck and growled low into her ear with his every hard thrusting motion. He wasn't going slow, he honestly didn't think he could right now, but he knew just how to pleasure her.

He kissed her body with a hunger as he pumped his hips against her's getting her back to arch up perfectly and before he completely broke apart like a shattered vase he grabbed her hips and thrusted deep into her. He completed her and as he stilled inside of her Shota groaned loudly as his head rested against the crook of her neck.

He came to the sound of her beautifully moaning in a blissful state of content. All Shota saw was stars as he closed his eyes. Akemi was in paradise as she moaned softly with her eyes fluttering to a close.

Only he could love her like this.

Shota sighed heavily and panted as he rolled off her body with a loving grin as she came down from the clouds floating around within her head to moan softly in pleasure. Akemi turned to face him and smiled lovingly as she shimmied over and leaned her back against his chest to cuddle him. Shota hummed contentedly, curling himself around her beautiful form and holding her close.

"Love you," He said sleepily with a big dorky grin painted upon his face as he pulled the blankets over their bodies.

"Love you too," Akemi giggled into a yawn before drifting off again until either a meowing Tsukiko, a whining Emiko, or the soft spoken voice of Eri woke them up. They had banned Hitoshi after the infamous "Out of Coffee" scare actually happened one morning.

Needless to say that they were both like feral snarling cats waiting to swat someone with their claws until Iida came back from the store with their beverage salvation.
Later in the day...

Akemi sighed heavily as she walked slowly up the stone pathway with Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi, Eri, Emiko, and all of Class 1-A and Class 1-B, plus the Big Three surrounded her as she stared at the graves of those who died. With help from Shota she sat down in front of Emiko Hara's gravestone and kissed the gravestone. "Rest in peace Emiko Hara."

She moved and with help from her students and Eri she planted flowers for every season upon all the graves for the victims of that terrible tragedy.

She smiled softly as her little Emiko was handing tulip bulbs to Eri. "Ulip!"

Akemi leaned against Shota and cried happy tears. Her body was healing as was her heart. "I want to request to the city that this be done for every their souls will always be at peace." She turned and saw Toshinori was with Mirio and Midoriya planting a flower on a single grave. Sir Nighteye's grave...

Toshinori looked up and nodded towards her with a fond smile of grief and happiness. "I'll make sure that happens Akemi."

Shota smiled softly and kissed his wife's cheek only to have Hizashi tap his shoulder. Shota looked up and saw Hizashi holding a handful of yellow and white Crocuses.

Hizashi grinned softly and Shota suddenly wiped away a few tears as he stood with a nod. They headed to the Yamada's graves. Everyone watched as they delicately planted the flowers into a cursive K and S before the unlikeliest of brothers took a moment to themselves. Silently crying and hugging. Shota wiped the tears then stood up and saw Hitoshi staring at him.

Shota grabbed a handful of violets and took his son by the back of his shirt collar, lifted him up, and guided him towards the Shinso's graves. "Violets represent resilience, and you my son are the personification of that word."

Hitoshi was crying as his father planted the violets in the kanji for that very word on both of his parents graves. Shota said a prayer then stood up to allow a caring Reiko to comfort Hitoshi. Shota smiled softly over the girls compassion.

He then took a large container of wild blue indigo for his parents graves. Then...he placed the rest into the soil of his Grandfather and his Grandmother's grave.

Hitoshi watched his father bow his head in prayer and then smiled as Emiko walked over and patted her Babba's knees. "Babba nie sad."

He smiled and picked her up and hugged her. "I'm not sad sweetie. Babba's happy. These are happy tears."

Akemi smiled and placed her hand on her leg as she sat upon the ground. She was getting stronger and the ointment cream was working wonderfully.

It wouldn't be long until she started training again...she smiled.

She couldn't wait!

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now