Chapter 338: "Looks Like The Joke Is On Me..."

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Akemi stared at the Genkaku clone after he slammed Jolly Jack into a wall and saw that he did hand signs telling her where the children were.

*The Black Wall. Shatter It!*

She used her hair and slammed it into Court Jester shoving him violently onto the crimson throne. She then ran towards the black mirrored wall but was grabbed by Reaper and held hostage.


Genkaku froze as Reaper threatened to melt Akemi's face off. "If you truly care for her then I suggest you die with honor Hero."

Akemi scoffed as she jabbed him with her hair. "You act like I'm a helpless damsel who should be scared of you? Yeah right say goodnight Reaper!"

The man collapsed onto the ground with his body numb by her quirk. Genkaku's clones tackled Jolly Jack to the floor as the man got up and more clones appeared to stop Scarface from slashing at Akemi as she ran towards the black tinted glass ready to shatter it with her hair.

Crimson King Joker was grappling in a wrestling match with the real Genkaku and he screamed for Court Jester to attack. "NOW BROTHER! KILL HERRRRR!"

Akemi turned towards the throne and her eyes widened as a throwing knife was soaring straight towards her heart, then, suddenly a delirious Harlequin, who clearly suffered from a concussion, jumped in front of her. The girl chocked her only to let out a sudden strangled gasp as her father's throwing knife stabbed deep into her back and pierced her heart.

Akemi saw the realization dawn in the girls eyes through the mask.

"Oh...well this smarts."

Everything seemed to slow as the members of the Crimson Court stared on in shock. Harlequin slowly released Akemi who was staring at the girl in horror as the girl turned around to face her father whose hand was still outstretched and leaning against the throne.

The man was clearly in shock over what just occurred.

Harlequin was shaking as she removed the mask and let it fall to the floor. Blood was trailing from the corners of her lips. "Sorry looks like—the jokes on me." She collapsed with a lifeless thud upon the floor and Court Jester frantically tore his Cheshire mask off his face with an anguished cry.


He stared in horror at his child's boy before his haunting eyes slowly locked onto Akemi. "You..." He snarled gone was the laughing Jester as he yelled in fury and threw a hoard of knives at Akemi. "I'LL KILL YOU!  YOU WANTED TO SAVE THE CHILDREN SO BADLY, WELL GO ON AHEAD! TRY TO SAVE THEM HERO BE MY GUEST!!!"

He threw a knife and before Akemi could refocus from the sudden death of the girl she realized to late what was going to happen and screamed. "NOOOOOO!" As the blade embedded into the switches.

The room lights turned on but...that wasn't all. The ceiling had sprinklers and those sprinklers were the Reapers calling card.

An Acidic Shower.

Genkaku was frozen as the shower sprinklers turned on before he could run and pound on the glass kicking and screaming in grief over failing the children. He was stabbed by Scarface. The man stabbed Genkaku's shoulder blades from behind and slammed him into the ground. Court Jester stalked over with a vengeance and roughly removed the head covering without looking into Genkaku's eyes and then stabbed Genkaku's palms with his throwing knives until it embedded into the floor. The Demon and Genkaku yelled out in pain as the psycho clowns forced him to watch the brutality.

Akemi was grabbed by Jolly Jack and forced to watch as the violent screaming of the children faded away into silence. The Crimson King Joker walked over and smirked as he trailed his hand from her hips, up her body, to her chin and roughly grabbed it with a smug sneer.

"Tell me Hero, how does it feel to be such a pathetic failure?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now