Chapter 288: The Gladiator Agency

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Kurotama smirked as he tapped out a cigarette from the box. He pulled out his liter and played around with it clicking it three times before raising it up to the cigarette. The flame of the lighter cast a haunting glow on his face as he lurked in a alleyway. He waited for the signal to engage their targets before casually walking up the steps towards the banks entry doors. With a amused scoff he kicked the doors open with a loud bang. The alarms had been tampered with and the robbers had the safe door wide open.

They turned aiming their gun based quirks at him. He smirked and spoke as the smoke was billowing out of his mouth when he took the cigarette out from between his teeth.

"Hello gents...I'm the Inquisitor. I would say that it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but that would be a lie." He lazily tapped at the cigarette expelling the ashes upon the floor.

"Now, I've already had a rather eventful night, and I'd like to head home to the Mrs..." His trench coat was splattered with blood and his hands were bandaged. He brushed the dirt and grime of his shoulder with a uninterested expression. "So let's speed this up shall we?"

He inhaled the cigarette fumes before exhaling the large cloud of smoke that surrounds the robbers forcing them to cough and stare at him. Kurotama grinned wickedly as he spoke with a smug tone as the cigarette dangled between his teeth.

"Torture Chamber!"

The robbers froze in place. Kurotama smirked as he was in the middle of his mental interrogation. "Stubborn aren't ya? Well they say pain is a good motivator...I'll make you crack."

He tilted his head and exhaled more smoke at them. His teal eyes were intense. He smirked over the robbers stubbornness slowly cracking with each mental turn of the torture chambers gears tightening the hold on his victim's. Kurotama smirked.

"The pain will only end when you spill you secrets boys. Let's be smart about this. I don't wanna be held responsible for your sanity breaking...way to much paperwork-!"

He was suddenly jolted out of his concentration by his phones automatic ringtone going off. He cursed over his lack of silencing it earlier as bullets instantly started streaming through the air narrowly hitting him as he dodged behind a pillar. He was thankful for the smoke blinding the robbers for a minute or two. He whistled for backup and pulled out his phone. He smirked when Genkaku's hallucination clones immediately jumped headlong into the bullet barrage as a diversion. Genkaku's clones were laughing like a psychopath high on drugs!

Kurotama's teal eyes glared down at the contact and he answered the phone only to hear a familiar voice...


Unfortunately their were some who were unaffected by Genkaku's hallucinations and saw through the tricks. Gun shots being fired had Kurotama yelling when he was forced to run headlong into the fight getting his trench-coat shot up with a few new bullet holes for the Mrs. to sew up later. He was lucky the robbers had terrible aim. He yelled into the phone speaker.


It was Shota, Erasure's 'pain in the ass' Legacy. Shota's smug voice answered him.

"Bad time, it's only 4:45?"

Kurotama released his anger out towards the man on the opposite end of the phone line as he slugged a guy in the jaw before dodging bullets.


He could practically feel Shota's smirk through the phone as he spoke with an amused chuckle.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now