Chapter 234: Coming to terms with the cold hard truth

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Shota was staring out the window of Hizashi's car with a far away look. His mind was on autopilot, everything was blurry as the white noise of his mind took over everything else.

The conversation he had with Shira-Kumo's corpse, was replaying within his mind as if his brain was stuck in a torturous loop. All he saw was half of Shira's face merged with Kurogiri's.

Shira-Kumo was the real life Two-Face from Batman, and yet Shota was the one suffering from the side effects instead. It was a Harvey Dent level of psychological trauma that threatened to consume him.

Shota's mood since getting into Hizashi's car was shifting constantly between grief and rage.

A literal Two-Faced personality with nothing in-between that never lead to anything good.

A few self inflicted cuts along his wrists, back when he still lived under Mr. Takeshi, were proof of just how easy it was for Shota's fragile mind to sink into despair.

If it hadn't been for Hizashi's kindness during the first day of school shortly after his parents deaths...Shota likely wouldn't be siting in this car right now. A crying self hating four year old whose unable to grieve will have a hard time gauging the difference between the depth perception of a cut.

Thankfully his trembling little hands never did anything beyond a deeper version of a paper cut...but looking back now...Shota should've gone to therapy when Mr. Yamada suggested different methods to cope that didn't lead to him semi-starving himself or bloodied fists from punching bags.

Shota's brain subconsciously had him rub a few of the tiny scars on his right wrist with his left thumb. Even after living with the Yamada's for a year, back then Shota's damaged little mind had him keep that stolen knife hidden deep inside the foam stuffing of his mattress.

Mr. Yamada's horror over finding the knife one day during Shota's tragic sophomore year was a discussion that lead to knives being outright banned from his hands until they found a better outlet for him. That outlet was intense music classes and cat cafes every Saturday.

Shota remembered he had been crying during that entire discussion over the horrific realization of just how damaged his mind was to have kept that knife for so long... He had forgotten all about it until that day.

Even now Shota doesn't like holding a knife smaller than twelve inches, or else his hands start to shake over the memories of his blood on that small stolen kitchen knife.
Shota's pulse was increasing and he tried to even it out...he succeeded up until the moment he saw U.A. appearing within his peripheral vision.

He stiffened in the seat and he spoke hastily with wavering eyes.

"Stop the car."

Hizashi had been driving on autopilot and blinked over Shota's abrupt demand and unnaturally shaking tone.


Shota couldn't breathe. His scarf felt like it was closing around his neck as he saw the school on top of that hill. He panicked yelling.

"I Said Stop The Goddam Car Hizashi!"

Hizashi almost swerved into the car in the next lane and was soon honked at by the driver.

Hizashi shouted as his white knuckles gripped the steering wheel.

"Shota Aizawa Are You Insane? We're In The Middle Of The Freakin Road! I ALMOST CRASHED MY CAR!"

Shota turned to face him with his hair levitating and red bloodshot eyes glaring at him. Shota's angry glare was wavering over the tears that were falling down his face as he spoke. It was a struggle just to speak clearly.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now