Chapter 219: Stupid Media Vultures Always Jumping To Conclusions!

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Shota and Hizashi slowly helped Hitoshi walk towards the entrance of the alleyway where there was better lighting to check for any other injuries. They made it to the sidewalk, with a mental sigh of relief. Shota had a firm grip upon his sons shoulder in order to steady him when the boy stumbled over a raised portion of concrete that ultimately caused Hitoshi to stub his toe. Hitoshi cursed under his breath and then sighed while whispering an exhausted 'thank you' towards his father.

Shota spoke softly with a proud and gentle smile on his face.

"You did good Hitoshi."

The sudden flash of cameras startled him. He blinked and saw a video camera and boom mics. Shota suddenly realized the situation they were in and he growled in anger.

*Damit it's the Vultures...*

Unfortunately for Shota, the local news station was right across the street from this particular alleyway.

While the large windows supplied a good view of the street the news crew had somehow missed the attempted assault and Hitoshi's fight for his life.

Despite missing two key factors of that entire fight the news crew had definitely seen the big fight between the criminals and reclusive Underground hero Eraserhead.

His eye twitched fiercely when a microphone was shoved in front of his face while a female reporter hounded him for information. She and the other reporters never even gave him a moment to answer before going to the next question.

"You're That Pro Hero Eraserhead! Can you tell us what happened here?"

"What can you inform us about this young man? Wait...he's that brainwashing student of U.A.!"

"Why does he look all beaten up!"

"Was he fighting against those villains???!!!"

The news crew instantly swarmed Hitoshi who was looking like a deer caught in headlights, they were so eager for information in their haste they shoved Shota away from his son and into Hizashi. The loud Cockatoo was protesting adamantly at them to back off, but he didn't yell. He already suspected that Hitoshi might have a concussion.

Despite that the news crew were still hounding the boy for details.

"Did you just fight a group of villains?"

"What is your affiliation to Eraserhead?"

All Hitoshi heard was... "Bla Bla Bla!" before the ringing in his ears silenced their blabbering with a sudden headache as his vision blurred slightly. He groaned holding his head.

Shota was pissed off. He rightly shoved a reporter out of his way and grabbed the nearest microphone and pulled it out of the woman's hands and away from his dazed son.

He spoke angrily into the microphone. "Back off you dam vultures!!! Don't you see that he is in no condition to talk? He just got the life force beaten out of him defending an innocent woman from being assaulted?"

He clenched his hands tightly around the microphone as his red eyes glowed and his hair levitated in his rage.

"This boy is my protege and just to be absolutely clear he never psychically landed a punch or kick on the criminals. He did as I taught him to do. To rely on his scarf to defend himself and the woman. I had to come to his aid when he sent a message for backup."

One bold reporter dared to ask. "Why weren't you with him? Did he act out like your students Eraserhead, or are you simply covering for him like what happened during that Summer Camp incident?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now