Chapter 180: Humble much? I think not...

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This is a part that Shota didn't tell the Hotta Brothers or Hitoshi - for reasons. Mainly because he didn't want the Hotta Brothers blackmailing him.
Shota groaned as he trudged inside his apartment at 2:59 in the morning and unceremoniously face planted onto the Queen sized bed. Unlike most mornings he instantly started snoring. Akemi was up a split second later to a wailing kitten clawing at the bedsheets from the floor. Tsukiko demanded attention from her. Akemi sighed softly and picked the kitten up off the floor and cuddled her. Tsukiko then decided she'd rather pounce on Shota's back and start massaging at his back with her fuzzy little paws.

Shota mumbled in his sleep. "Good kitty, my backs been needing a good massage...Mhmm although Akemi is usually my masseuse..."

He sighed into a mischievous grin within his sleep. "Mhmm left a bit...good Tsukiko that shoulder has been sore for over a week...anyway Akemi is a wonderful masseuse but then again I won't have Nemuri hearing that I'd count a late night fling as a massage. Heheh...she'd never let me hear the end of it and the less that woman knows of my love life with Akemi the better!"

He snored softly again while Akemi's face was beet red as she scratched her purring kitten behind the ears. "Tuna treats for you later."

Akemi smirked as Tsukiko then curled up on Shota's back and slept. Akemi smiled softly as she snuggled against her snoring husband for a few more hours of sleep before breakfast.
8:00 am...

Shota was on the job again, and despite Akemi protesting that he needed his sleep he insisted that he was fine. He headed to the venue Nemuri had helped organize. It was going on again today as well.

"Says the man who is currently out in the open in the middle of a festival eating junk food

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"Says the man who is currently out in the open in the middle of a festival eating junk food."

He huffed. "Tch, you sound like Akemi whenever those food pouches are involved."

Nemuri smirked and then succeeded in making Shota regret to say that he knew her when she talked about the festival.

Nemuri smirked and then succeeded in making Shota regret to say that he knew her when she talked about the festival

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Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now