Chapter 360: Living Life Upside Down

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Kurenai's story...

A nineteen year old Kurenai opened the door to her apartment building and smiled as she put her specialty made headphones into her fox ears and started bobbing her head to the song and singing the lyrics as she casually danced down the sidewalk.

She turned heads and didn't even care as she danced around people laughing happily towards any giggling children and winking at any gawking boys before skipping happily towards the train station.

She hummed to the song as it played on repeat waiting for the streetlight to change before heading for the train stations platform to buy a ticket to board the train for today's unplanned adventure.

Hizashi Yamada was in a funk today as he sat on one of the seats of the train waiting for his stop, which was a five long stops away from ending his sheer boredom. Sure he could listen to music but he wasn't feeling in the mood for music...despite his shift at the radio station until lunch...that was until he heard a beautiful voice singing one of his favorite songs by Paloma Faith.

"Angels watching over me with smiles upon their face
Coz I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place

It feels sometimes this hill's too steep for a girl like me to climb
But I must knock those thoughts right down I'll do it in my own time

I don't care
I'm halfway there
On a road that leads me straight to who knows where

I tell you what
What I have found
That I'm no fool
I'm just upside down

Ain't got no cares
I ain't got no rules
I think I like
Living upside down..."

He turned his head and gasped at the girl who was singing such a wonderful song. She had a fox quirk with beautiful blond hair.

She did a little sway of her hips as she held onto the pole of the train and stared out the window at the city as it passed them by.

"Watching people scurry by rushing to and fro
Oh this world is such a crazy place it's all about the go go go

Sometimes life can taste so sweet
When you slow it down
You start to see the world a little differently
When you turn it upside down

I don't care
I'm half way there
And I'm just soaking up the magic in the air

I tell you what
What I have found
That I'm no fool
I'm just upside down

Ain't got no cares
I ain't got no rules
I think I like
Living upside down..."

He was mesmerized by her voice and her beauty. He'd like to think he wasn't a pervert but damn she's hot!

"You gotta slow it down
But then you pick it up..."

She smiled and swung in a circle around the pole and did a pirouette with perfect balance and bowed to the pole as she held it again and tapping her foot to the beat and Hizashi's eyes widened as two fox tails appeared.

*Was her hair always white I could've sworn it was blond?*

"C'mon and try a little topsy-turvy back-to-front the right way round
Take it slow slow slow
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Yo Yo Yo

I tell you what
What I have found
That I'm no fool
I'm just upside down

Ain't got no cares
I ain't got no rules
I think I like
Living upside down..."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now