Chapter 282: Leaves in the Wind

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Mid-afternoon on the same day Hitoshi was finishing up with his research, and Shota was recounting his parents tale of love, Nobuyuki Yuriemoto was sitting underneath the pagoda within his family's garden.

He wasn't meditating or playing his Koto. He was just sitting in the stillness of the moment.

His mind however, was far from being still.

He sighed softly and spoke as if he were having a one sided conversation with the wind the softly blowed against him.

"So much has happened recently father...both good and bad. I know  you and mother likely already know all about this, but...we're doing fine, so don't worry okay mother?"

He sighed heavily and spoke in regret. "I...I'm sorry I couldn't be there for Shota after what happened...Osamu, Yuina...Miyu...Hayato-Sensei...I'm sorry I failed him. I still can't believe his records were underneath a filing cabinet of all places. I have never seen Akitoshi so livid. After finally getting information on Shota we were stuck in a loop of confusion with the social services for the next five years after Shota turned five. It wasn't until that Bastard of a Foster Parent filed those blasted adoption papers that we finally found proof the boy was still in Japan better yet alive!"

He bowed his head smiling while shaking his head. "Thank god that adoption was never approved! I...I'm sorry...I know I've said it a lot over the years but it's hard to let it go. They were willing to work with Akitoshi since he was the Police Cheif but those damn social workers wouldn't tell me a damn thing about him!"

He clenched his eyes closed. "Since I'm not family, I had no reason to worry...pfft as if! I punched the idiots teeth out when I was told that. So yeah I'm still banned from setting foot inside that building. sad."

His attempt at lighthearted humor lost its edge as he sighed again. "Shota's had it rough in life, you all know this after all, the dead never truly leave us. At least he was able to find some joy despite the trauma he's been dealt with. He's got three children now. Well one is blood related. Their little Emiko is a bundle of energy, mini carbon copy of Akemi and Shota."

"Little Eri is a blessing, everyday that I hear she's smiling and acting like a child over the phone from Akemi brings tears to my eyes. She's had it tougher than Shota and she's only six! She's so pure and a blessing to Shota because in a way their helping each other heal from their traumas."

He smirked and chuckled. "Hard to believe that Hitoshi Shinso would be a member of the family, but I guess it was inevitable...our families were always so closely knit. I had a feeling he'd be adopted by Shota and Akemi. He's an incredible young man and adores his little sisters very much. I have high hopes for him as a hero."

He frowned softly. "That boy reminds me so much of Shota when he was his age."

"I'm sorry...I just wish...I just wish I had known what Shota had gone through after..." He clenched his hands into fists as a few tears fell. "That damn Drunken Bastard beat Shota senseless...I'll never let any of them know that kind of pain again! I'll be there to protect our family. So Emiko, Eri, Hitoshi, and all the children of their generation can live in a world without fear. I swear it!"

Nobuyuki opened his eyes and turned to see Manami leaning against the support pillar of the pagoda.

Her eyes softened in her gaze. "Honey..."

"I'm fine my love." He wiped his eyes with a soft smile. "I'm just...reminiscing with the spirits."

Manami walked over and sat down beside her husband. "You shouldn't feel guilty over that."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now