Chapter 321: Nobuyuki vs. Manami

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Nobuyuki cracked his neck and slammed his fists together as his titanium hair slowly grew to his shoulders. "All Right, Let's Get This Show Started Shall We My Dear!"

Manami huffed and playfully flipped her stingray hair behind her shoulder. She then smirked like Akemi during combat practice as she got into a fighting stance.

Everyone immediately saw the difference in her fighting stance compared to Akemi's.

Akemi's starting stance was offensive, while Manami's was defensive. They saw the martial arts wrappings around her arms as her long sea-foam green kimono sleeves rolled down to her elbows. Her right leg shifted to become visible from the slit of her kimono.

As usual Mineta was being a pervert. He was drooling and Bakugo righty slapped the back of his head. "Seriously you perv. She's a grandmother! Drooling over a woman her age is just so damn wrong! Also you better look alive because someone's out to kill."

Mineta's eyes instantly locked onto the slate grey death glare of Nobuyuki Yuriemoto.

Manami rolled her eyes and snapped her husband's attention back on her and not on their daughters perverted student.

"I concur dear. Let's begin."

Nobuyuki smirked. "Look alive Gutter-punks, this is Battle Strategy Alpha! Observation!"

He attacked with his hair but Manami was fast! She moved in circular motions like a leaf floating through the wind her body moved with the speed and grace of a dancer.

She suddenly jumped into a move similar to a Lutz Spin in figure skating as he tried to land a grab on her. She was incredibly nimble and lite on her feet. The entire time Nobuyuki was simply standing like a marine commander with his arms behind his back.

"You have to gauge the abilities of your opponents fighting style to better assess your own. The key is to understand when to fight or when to run. When you can't run the most effective strategy to win is to adapt and outwit your opponent. To use their fighting style to your own advantage."

Manami performed a flawless Butterfly Twist to avoid his hair. She twisted her body while both legs lifted from the ground and swung around, while her torso remains as horizontal as possible. It was used defensively to evade Nobuyuki's hair as he attempted a low attack towards her legs. He was trying to sweep her legs out from under her. She landed and spun around and ducked his secondary assault for her waist.

Nobuyuki smirked. "For instance I'm a specialty long range fighter with abilities to hold my own in close combat. I'm currently going up against a master in the martial arts of close combat. Naturally you would assume she's at a disadvantage. So tell me, how do you think she can win this fight if she can't even get close enough to land a proper punch? How might she use my abilities against me?"

The students realized he wasn't really attacking her, he was just keeping her at a distance to assess her every movement.

He aimed to trip her again but Manami rolled into a crouch before leaping onto her feet as he lashed his hair at her like a whip to grab her. She leapt backwards and did a triple handstand backflip twist. She landed with her back facing him before spinning around on her feet in a Bruce Lee pose to block his hair. There was a clicking sound of metal on metal.

Nobuyuki smirked. "The goal of every hero is to not morality injure their opponent in battle, but to subdue and detain them. As a hero my hair can do reprehensible damage. So I have to be observant of not only the abilities of my opponents but the strength of my own power in order to counter that unfavorable limitation regarding my quirk."

Nobuyuki's hair rapidly shrunk and he weaved his hand through his hair, like a old movie Greaser, before standing with his arms behind his back. He started walking in a circle with Manami following in step. He was looking for a opening as she maintained her intense Bruce Lee pose.

"Those wrappings around my wife's arms and legs are made from the woven strands of my own hair. Without my own restraint over my quirk, and the use of those wrappings...her arm would most assuredly be broken."

Manami smirked playfully as he grinned and stopped his circular pacing.

He got into a battle stance.

"Through my assessment of her abilities I can conclude that my long range attacks will only succeed in her wearing me down until I'm out of stamina. As a hero I cannot afford to over exert my quirk in case I am needed later on for another fight. Therefore...close range combat is the only option. Even if I'm still shifting the battle in her favor, as Kirishima so expertly displayed during Eri's rescue, there are many ways to use your opponents strengths and turn it into a weakness."

Manami grinned wickedly and many of the students froze upon seeing Akemi in that wild grin. She spoke, "So, in other words..." as she shifted her Bruce Lee pose to raise her right hand in an open hand block while her left hand was in a waiting punch held close to her chest.

Her right hand was hovering in front of her face obscuring her nose and lips so Nobuyuki couldn't see her wicked smirk. "Battle Strategy Beta?"

Nobuyuki chuckled as he smirked with a wild glint in his slate grey eyes. "Battle Strategy Beta! Hand To Hand Combat!"

Manami smirked playfully as she egged him on to attack. "Well then, by all means oh mighty hero, come at me!"

He chuckled tauntingly and attacked. "Watch and learn students, your in for a real show!"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now