Chapter 214: "Whenever bad things happen it's somehow always raining..."

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                             are not going to be ready for this!!!
I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to the next chapter that comes out on November 8th!!!

Shota was angry and he used a move he learned from Akemi's parents to knock the incoming lump away only to have it go off and almost endanger the woman and the kids

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Shota was angry and he used a move he learned from Akemi's parents to knock the incoming lump away only to have it go off and almost endanger the woman and the kids.

Shota was angry and he used a move he learned from Akemi's parents to knock the incoming lump away only to have it go off and almost endanger the woman and the kids

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*Okay time for some battle strategy. I have to use what I learned from Akemi's parents to minimize the damage and protect the kids, the woman, Boss, and Shira-Kumo.*

He was all they had for protection. He had to fight like a veteran pro if he hoped to succeed! Shota was thankful that alongside his goggles his grandfather left behind a small book of battle strategy. Just in case one of his descendants inherited his quirk.

The police had found the small book stuffed in a box that held his grandfather's impeccable hero case record files in the back of their storage room and gave it to him last year. He read it constantly during school and added onto it whenever inspiration struck.

Shota was already formulating a battle plan.

*Thanks for leaving that book behind for me Granddad. I'll continue your legacy and add onto what you wrote for my own kids to use someday I swear!!!*

 I'll continue your legacy and add onto what you wrote for my own kids to use someday I swear!!!*

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Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now