Chapter 355: You without a witty grin, is like me without my coffee

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The clock struck 7:00pm...


Hizashi opened his eyes and yelled as it rang loudly in his ear. "GODDAMN YOUR ALARM CLOCK IS LOUD KURENAI!—OW! Ya-made-me-bite-ma-tongue!" Kurenai had reached up and punched him in the chin causing him to bite his tongue. She grumbled irritably with her eyes closed and her fox ears down flat against her hair.

"Zashi...I love you, really I do, but—DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO YELL IN MY EAR?"

She sat up and turned her body to glare at him as the blankets tumbled down to her waist. "IN CASE YOU FORGOT HERE'S A BASIC BIOLOGY LESSON, BIG EARS EQUALS EXTRA SENSITIVITY TO LOUD SOUNDS, REMEMBER?"

Hizashi merely sighed as he sat up only to stare at her chest for a little to long and get flicked on the forehead by Kurenai. "Ahem, my eyes are up here Zashi."

He smirked softly as his eyes looked up towards the striking yellow eyes. "Oh I know..." He held her waist within his hands pulling her closer in order to kiss her cheek. "I'm just enjoying the view."

She swatted his chest before smiling softly as she took a few strands of his long hair and started gently weaving her fingers through it as Hizashi grabbed the offending alarm clock and realized he accidentally turned it full volume. For the sake of her hearing tomorrow he turned it down. He set it back on the nightstand and spoke.

"We should probably be getting ready."

"Yeah..." Kurenai started nibbling on the corner of her lip as she blushed and sheepishly looked away and asked. "Would to join me in the shower?"

Hizashi's green eyes widened as he smirked at her and spoke with a chuckle, "With You, Hell Yes!" He kissed her cheek before taking her into his arms with a wink over her flushed bright red face. Hizashi smirked playfully before carrying her towards the bathroom door to take a shower.

At 8:00pm, after downing a cup of Instant Coffee, Kurenai sighed softly as she felt him retying the sash of her hero outfit after it became loose. "You know it wouldn't have come loose if you could manage to kiss me without your hands wandering so much."

"Hey I'll have you know I'm a hero and a teacher, but I'm also a rocking kickass musician."

"And your point with this is what exactly?"

"Your my instrument my beautiful melody harp. It's not my fault that my hands gravitate to your body in an attempt to get a sweet melody to part from your heavenly lips." He kissed her cheek softly and winked over her flustered expression before she smirked, snickered, then snorted into a fit of laughter.

"Oh God, that's both romantic and corny at the same time. Hahahaha!"

Hizashi rolled his eyes and linked his arm with hers. "You got your fans?"

"Yep!" She slipped her medium sized fans into specialty holders hidden with the thick fabric of her kimonos sash.

"Remind me again how many fans you have? I only seem to remember you using those medium size fans during your dancing, but I could've sworn you have a larger pair?"

"Oh you mean Phoenix Wings? Their stored away right now."

"Phoenix Wings, now I remember! Hahaha they're those giant tornado makers." He then smirked. "Sooo if those are Phoenix Wings what you call these little editions huh? Don't think I've ever been properly introduced to them."

He tapped one of the medium sized folded fans with his fingertip as it rested within the kimono sash on her hip. "Soooo what's the name?"

She blushed scarlet. "Ummmm...Fledgling Phoenix."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now