Chapter 324: "Dad...I swear there's a perfectly logical explanation..."

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Nobuyuki's Flashback Story...

Nobuyuki served his detention in complete silence while ignoring the glares of Yuudai and the rest of the boys. Afterwards Nobuyuki Yuriemoto took the train home like he always does. By paying for a ticket and then jumping onto the top of the train when no ones looking. He uses his hair to support him as he laid back and watched the clouds and the city pass him by. The wind didn't bother him at all, it was refreshing. He sighed heavily and contemplated his response to his parents once he got back home.

He would explain everything. That's a given guarantee! You'd have to be an idiot to keep secrets from your mother, because mother's ALWAYS find out!

He didn't use a bike or the bus like most people would to travel up the road to the few mountain homes alongside the Yuriemoto estate. Nope he climbed with one arm tied behind his back, despite the Yuriemoto estate being the closet to the mountain peak.

He grunted as he grabbed a outcropping only to have it break off and he narrowly fell to his death but he grabbed the lower outcropping.

"Grah...I remember this being a whole lot easier yesterday..."

He made it to the top before dinner and noticed the smell of dinner cooking. He recognized the scent as his father's favorite dish which meant he was home to enjoy dinner tonight.

He gulped. "Greattttttt, dad's home..." he took a deep breath. "Okay I might as well get this over with."

He opened the door, with his eyes downcast towards the floor, and closed it with the lock clicking into place. He slowly looked up and was immediately greeted by his father.

Yasuhiro was dressed in his traditional themed hero outfit. His hoari and hakama pants were torn slightly along the shoulder of the hoari and the knee of the hakama pants. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his left foot tapping on the wooden floor.

Nobuyuki dared to glance at the open kitchen to his left and saw his mother with her eyes downcast and busy humming calmly to herself as she chopped bok-choy for the fish stew.

She was far to calm for Nobuyuki's liking...the realization dawned on him that she's letting dad handle this!

*Shit not good!*

"Ahem!" Nobuyuki's eyes instantly shifted towards the narrow eyed glare of his father.

"Care to explain why I got a call from the principal saying that you punched Yuudai Yamasaki in the mouth knocking out five of his permanent teeth and then proceeded to beat up a handful of other boys?"

Nobuyuki hesitantly spoke. "Dad...I swear there's a perfectly logical explanation for all this...ummm..." he gulped as his brain suddenly stopped working over seeing his father's hair growing longer. Yasuhiro's hair slowly traveled down his back and was moving around like a million coiled snakes just ready and waiting to strike at his son.

Yasuhiro's eyes narrowed further as his eyebrow arched. "A logical explanation? That rivalry is changing even sound like Osamu and Hayato now?" There was no ounce of humor in Yasuhiro's voice. His voice was stern and demanded that Nobuyuki get straight to the point. The rhythmic tapping of his fingers against his arm mirrored the chopping of the bok-choy his beloved wife silently prepared for the fish stew.

"Well, I'm listening?"

With a hesitant gulp Nobuyuki told his parents everything. Yasuhiro's eyes narrowed into thin slits as he walked over and raised his hand, Nobuyuki flinched out of reflex. He spent to many hours training with his father to not flinch. Nobuyuki was expecting to get tapped on the pressure point that knocked you out to lay on the floor in a puddle of drool. He was surprised when Yasuhiro's hand clamped down in a firm grip on his shoulder.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now