Chapter 246: A final song

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Akemi lost consciousness for a view minutes but once she woke up again she let out the scream that was stuck within her throat as she was breathing heavily. Her lungs were inhaling the oxygen in the air like a lifeline. She coughed violently over smoke inhalation as she sat up while holding the child close to her chest. The pain in her broken leg was dulled as the adrenaline was rushing through her. She had to make sure the girl was okay.

She brushed the girls black hair from her face.

"You're safe n-!"

She felt something wet against her chest and looked down she saw blood staining her hero outfit.

It wasn't hers.

The girl had a large gash on her head from the broken oxygen mask and from the impact of the fall inside the burning building.

She wasn't responding.

Akemi's eyes widened in horror. *No...*

The adrenaline willed her body into action.

She set the girl upon the ground and checked her pulse. Her pulse was fading fast. Akemi tried to get the girl to respond as she tried CPR.

She got a breath but when the girl opened her eyes they were dull of color. Her voice was soft and scared.

"Mama...where's mama...? I'm scared! I want my mama and papa..."

Akemi was in tears as she held the child close. She knew the signs of death, the least she could do in these final moments was give this sweet, innocently scared, child the comfort she needed before she passes away.

Akemi spoke through her tears as she tried to give her a comforting smile. She knew this girls mama and papa were dead she saw them inside the building. They had tried to protect their child from the flames with a wet towel...

"Your-Your Mama and Papa, are coming soon sweetie. I'll be here with you until they come to get you okay?"

The little girl smiled weakly. "You...look like my mama..."

Akemi froze and choked on a sob as the girls voice was getting softer. "She would sing...when I was scared of monsters..."

"I-I can sing for you."

Akemi was crying as she sang holding the child close to her heart. She was crying and as she finished her song the girl smiled at her.

"Mama says to smile...even...when...bad things-happen..." Her pulse faded and the light faded from her eyes. Akemi's eyes widened as the reality hit her hard. *Nooo...*

She was hyperventilating as she gritted her teeth, and bowed her head as tears fell from her eyes.

She lifted her head to the sky as the rain came and screamed in agony.


She cried in agony and held the deceased child against her chest in the now pouring rain as the firefighters and emergency crew arrived, to little to late, only to see her grieving over the deceased child as if the girl was her own daughter.

And to Akemi...she was...

The life of a hero is never easy and Akemi...she would never get used to this sight.

To see another child's life ending within her die, before they're ever given the chance to truly live.

She sobbed in agony as two pairs of arms envelopes her and two voices spoke with grief in their voices."

"Akemi! Akemi it's okay..."

"We've got you sweetie...we're here for you."

All she could do was cry...

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें