Chapter 228: He set his heart straight

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Authors Note: (I don't own the pictures in this chapter, the lyrics are from Eurielle's song: Into The Deep)

Akemi watched Class 1-A training with the Big Three. Mirio had stopped training for a while to observe his favorite teacher and he frowned in concern. She looked deep in thought, her clouded gaze was concerning. Akemi was remembering the injuries that brought Shota back to her from his emotional isolation two years after graduation.

She remembered the mission that spearheaded them eventually moving in together but most importantly she remembered the villain.

Sheshe remembered the song...the—the pull towards the sea...

She blinked, slowly stood up, and left without saying a word.

The most alarming part was that she left Emiko alone to sleep on her baby blanket!!!

That caused Mirio to swiftly follow her.

He followed her for some time being rather obvious about it to get her attention and yet she never once acknowledged his presence...

*Why is she heading back to Heights Alliance without Emiko?* His eyebrows furrowed in concern. *Something isn't right here.*

He gasped when he realized she was heading straight for the deep, dark, pond with an unnerving look in her eyes. She was acting as if she were brainwashed and yet her eyes weren't clouded like what happened whenever Hitoshi uses his quirk. This was the emotionless gaze of Apathy. He quickly hurried over and shouted frantically as he grabbed her wrist stopping her from entering the water.


The moment he grabbed her wrist she was jolted out of her trance gasping for air in shock before collapsing onto her knees shaking like a leaf as the fear set in.

Mirio knelt down and placed a gentle hand upon his teachers shoulder in concern.

"Miss Yuriemoto are you okay?"

Akemi was trying to even out her breathing as she spoke towards Mirio.

"Mirio...thank you."

"What The Heck Was That?!" They looked up to find that all of 1-A, Amajiki, and Nejire were staring at them in grave concern. Bakugo was the one who spoke for his class. Her sudden departure in the middle of training was more than a little concerning!

Akemi was staring at the pond with terror in her eyes as she was clinging to Mirio's arm as he supported her. "I'll explain everything at Gym Gamma, but first Mirio..." her grip tightened around his arm. "Get Me Away From That Pond!"

Mirio nodded. "Apologies Miss Yuriemoto," He swiftly picked her up and carried her away without questioning his teacher. He carried his traumatized teacher back to Gym Gamma and gently set her down inside. It was then that everyone noticed how pale she was.

Akemi eventually evened out her breathing only to speak to herself in disbelief.

"It—it still effects me even if it's mentally sung by me? ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME????!!! God that demented Siren's quirk is a death sentence!!!"

Kaminari was the one to immediately ask in a freaked out tone of voice. "What is going on Miss Yuriemoto???!!!"

Akemi blinked and instantly buried her head upon her knees whimpering pitifully as she sat there hugging her knees while acting like a scared crying child.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now