Chapter 304: I'll be the light for ya...

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This is 100% Smut
Author shall now hide red face in embarrassment over this chapter, wondering why I write stuff like this?

Akemi traumatizes the students with a Scary Story next chapter!

After the presentation was officially over a now embarrassed Shota was left hesitantly rubbing the back of his neck as he was swarmed by a crowd of students. They were asking all sorts of questions all at once, and it was clear that Shota's brain couldn't keep up with the constant questions. He looked out of his depth on how to best handle the attention in a positive attitude. Akemi however had the remedy for his predicament. She used her hair and hooked the collars of the students shirts and dragged them twenty feet away from her husband. She walked to stand beside Shota with her hands on her hips.

"Okay that's enough questions for today! Come along Shota your helping with dinner."

Shota turned to acknowledge the students with a lopsided apologetic grin on his face before following his wife.

Dinner was just as talkative more so with the Yuriemoto's and the Kurotama's there. Nobuyuki's jaw hit the floor over Emiko's absence of fear over Genkaku's insanity quirk the moment the one year old tried to play peekaboo with the Demon!

Later that evening after everyone else was fast asleep in bed...

Shota was grinning softly as he sat down beside his wife on their bed. Akemi was wearing a silky soft bathrobe while Shota was only wearing boxers. Shota watched as his gorgeous wife was about to change into her nightgown just after finishing with her shower. He turned and kissed his wife's cheek before trailing his lips down to her neck getting her to moan over him as he murmured against her soft skin.

"Mhmmm you smell so nice." He kissed her collarbone and smirked. "You were right...he made me proud Akemi. So very proud."

Akemi shifted her head down as he lifted his head up in order to look into each other's eyes. Akemi smiled softly as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek. He gave her a pitiful kicked puppy look. Akemi smirked at him with a arched eyebrow.

"What, were you expecting something else from me besides a kiss?"

Shota smirked. "Oh come on now Akemi, I know you're just dying to say I told you so."

Akemi smirked and placed her hand upon his chest and Shota's entire body grew hot. He shuddered over the warmth of her hand upon his cold skin. He gulped down his desire if he made it known now then—he suddenly gasped in shock when Akemi roughly pushed him down onto their bed. Shota's back was pressed against the blankets of their bed while her devious hand trailed down to his stomach pinning him in place. 

He was already under the spell of Akemi's bewitching eyes as she stared down at him with an alluring gaze shining within her blood red eyes. "Hitoshi's proud of you to Shota." She smiled coyly as she walked two fingers up his chest and drew small circles over the spot where his heart resides. "I remember when there was once a time that the mere mention of your past to anyone other than family or our friends, was considered taboo. But now—now that I see you..." Tears fell from her eyes as she smiled brightly in gratitude and endless love. "Now...that I see you today...I see how much you've truly started to heal Shota."

Shota stared up at her and blinked twice in shock over her words before he smiled. "Well," Akemi smirked, he was undressing her with eyes again and he growled playfully upon meeting her gaze. "it does help to have a loving wife by my side no matter what." He kissed her lips softly and smirked playfully as he whispered against her lips. "So...are you also proud of me Akemi?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now