Chapter 330: Zashi help me, Emiko is to cute we must protect her from boys!

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Shota woke up at 5:45am to a cuddle party. He immediately remembered last night when he saw Eri curled up on his chest with Akemi hugging his right side. Akemi was snuggling her head against his neck and he shivered, gulping down the sudden feeling of arousal, over the warmth of his wife's hot breath upon his skin.

He was getting to hot underneath the blankets, and with a child on his chest. He gently shook Eri awake. "Eri..."

"Wha..." She blinked at him sleepily. "Daddy?" He smiled softly and spoke with a whisper.

"Sorry sweetie but it's time to get up. Go take a bath my big seven year old! I'm also putting extra apple slices in your Apple Jacks today."

It was still a shock to him that she was seven not six but seven! It had been a huge enigma about when her birthday was and the couple was hotly debating on doing her birthday on the day she was adopted, but the continued raiding of Chisaki's old compound had finally managed to drudge up Eri's birth certificate! It was stuffed in her maternal grandfather's office. In a hidden compartment of his desk.

The names of her biological parents were burnt away as if someone had deliberately tried to erase it all away in a fit of anger. Shota wondered if that was her mother's doing while ditching her under the care of her mob boss grandfather who ultimately dumped her into Chisaki's vile hands? Eri's name was barely legible, but the date of birth: December twenty-first was as clear as day and the tiny ink finger prints were a match to Eri's.

The couple found out about it last night from Tsukauchi. They couldn't believe that Eri missed celebrating her own birthday!

She didn't seem to mind that at all but that didn't mean her parents, big brother, Uncle Zashi, Mirio, Deku, and the other students minded. Nope, they did mind, and were all scheming up ways to create the best belated surprise birthday party for Eri.

Shota smiled softly as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I can trust you to handle the bath time on your own, right Eri?"

She nodded with a yawn. Eri slowly got out of the bed and headed to her room with the little bathroom she shared with Emiko.

Shota smirked softly as the door closed and he turned to Akemi. "I know your awake darling."

Akemi opened her eyes and smiled softly. "Its a school day but your so comfy I think I'll call in sick with you as my nurse." She locked her arms around him in a hug.

Shota smirked and rolled her onto her back with his hands on her shoulders in order to keep her pinned underneath him. His dark eyes were clouded by desire as he spoke.

"I'm so glad she left, your seductive body heat was working against me."

Akemi smirked and her alluring blood red eyes dared him to make a move. He crashed his lips against hers and she wrapped her arms around his back and dove her fingers into his hair as he gave her an intense make-out session before parting for air.

"We really should be taking a shower before waking up Emiko."

Akemi smiled alluringly. " for some company darling?"

Shota growled against her neck. "Yes, I most certainly would."

He picked her up and carried her to their shower. Around 6:00 the couple were dressed and they headed to Emiko's room. They opened the door only to blink when they didn't have to wake Emiko up because Hitoshi was already changing her for them.

"Hey mom, hey dad, figured I'd help out. Big brother duties after all."

He then had a smirk on his face. "Also uh mom, you might want to put some make up on to cover that hickey on your neck."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora