Chapter 349: Here's to the Broken Ones

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The poem is my own work.

Hizashi was staring at the stage with a unreadable expression. Kurenai was going to have a word with Ena later but then she realized she had another performance to worry about. "Oh no...Aishi!"

The lights suddenly went out and Shota's eyes adjusted as the crowd whistled and chanted the name Spider Lily over and over.

Suddenly a spotlight softly shined on the center of the stage. The fine layer of water and vases of Spider Lilies that were placed along the edge of the stage only added to the mysterious charm of Aishi Chiwa.

 The fine layer of water and vases of Spider Lilies that were placed along the edge of the stage only added to the mysterious charm of Aishi Chiwa

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"The red spider lily is portrayed as the "flower of heavens" in Buddhist scripture. However, it is also known as the "flower of the dead" and "flower of sorrowful memories". They say poetry is moving to the mind and to hear my poem of a sorrowful lost love."

She hummed a rhythm and Hizashi felt her eye on him as she continued to sit with her back facing the crowd and her head turned to look over her shoulder.

Here's to the broken hearted
To cold nights that are harder to endure
Without the warm arms of comfort
The loneliness chills her down to the bone

Living life in a boring routine
When her dreams offer only tears of grief
Over precious memories that are no more
Dancing is her only source of peace

Here's to the broken hearted
To those who stare at old photographs all alone
With pain in their eyes and trembling hands
The woman with tears of grief and the man with a numbing ache in his heart
The damage is done, but their hands refuse to tear their smiling faces from the photos
Or delete the fond memories forever from their hearts

The desire for the truth...
Leads to a betrayal of trust

Tired eyes and an irritable mind...
Never leads to anything good

A mouth spitting out words like poison
And the finality of a slamming door
Like a venom tipped arrow straight to the heart
Grief seems to be her only companion for her broken heart

They say everyone falls in love so hard
When love is new and the hearts are still young
A shame that no one ever prepared them
For how quickly it can all fall apart

Fighting with bloody fists and a cornucopia of broken bones
Leaves the man stressing over the life of his lost brother
Is like a vampire draining you of all your blood
Love slowly suffers

From the truth the mind tries so hard to hide
Hurts deeper than the cut made by any knife
Yellow eyes that mirrored the beautiful Sun
Are now dimmed in their radiant shine
Green eyes like jade are now like a dull unimpressive stone

Her heart longs to remember
As his mind longs to forget
Their souls are walking on a wire
Threatening to plummet them over the edge

So here's to the broken hearted
To the lover's poem of sorrow, anguish, and woe
For absence makes the heart grow fonder
If the man would only dare to take his second chance at love

A shame that the bird doesn't hear the fox's anguished crying
Choosing to ignore her tears of grief for a shot of cheap bottom shelf Sake
Will my words chip away the golden cage he placed around his heart
Or will his mind continue going to war with his broken heart?

Kurenai's eyes were like the fire of the Sun as she glared at a impassive Aishi.

Ena smirked playfully and fist bumped Aishi the moment she left the stage. Akemi was seriously questioning the sanity of these women over angering their boss like that. Kurenai's tails were now six!

Shota was staring at Hizashi with a deep intensity in his black eyes. Hizashi looked emotionally numb as he stared into his empty shot glass.

He longed for another drink but the Bartender was in cohorts with Shota and threatened to knock him out if he dared take another shot glass from the waitresses trays.

He didn't think that Kurenai planned this out. Not if her reaction to Yuki-Onna's song said anything. He was irritated enough as it is seeing her again but for these women to dare to guilt trip him into talking to Kurenai while they had a job to do as heroes was just childish. He wasn't even sure if his mind could have his tongue remain civil with her if Kurenai decided to talk to him. He had his trust betrayed by her once already he wasn't keen on a repeat. And that "golden cage" he formed over his heart, might be chipped over seeing her again, but it's a far cry from being cracked and broken.

*God...I'm not sure if I'll survive this stupid mission?*

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now