Chapter 197: The talk on the roof

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Shortest chapter for a reason the next one is going to be heavy and is a stylized adaptation of the ongoing Vigilante Illegals comic arch.

The next part of the arch revolves around Shota's second year at U.A. 😁

Shota sighed and looked up at his son and the Hotta Brothers stunned faces.

"So that old guy, the cops think he blew up the building....but the villain got away?"

"Yeah what happened to the old gezzer?"

"Good Question...I don't really know?"

"You serious!"

"The old man was incredible at covering his tracks. He mirrored my grandfather in his unnerving resolve."

Shota smirked softly as he held the charm necklace in hand. He had added two more charms because Akemi couldn't find the right ones. They were beside his parents intertwined charm. It was a golden music-note with a yellow canary beside it.

Mr. and Mrs. Yamada.

His eyes lingered on the canary and dimmed as the memories haunted him. He abruptly stood and spoke.

"I think I'm done reminiscing for the night. Come on son I'm taking you out on patrol of my stomping grounds."

Hitoshi blinked and stood the Hotta Brothers shared a glance. They realized the man wanted to talk alone with his kid and grinned in understanding as Hitoshi turned and graciously thanked them for their hospitality.

"Thanks for putting up with my dad for so long. You guys ain't half bad."

"Ah shucks, Eraser you can bring this kid around here anytime. Hopefully he'll rub off on you."

Shota smirked and laughed. "Ha that's funny boys because the kids a younger me at that age so you should be worried about that!"

The brothers frowned upon seeing Hitoshi's smirk. "It's true to the point I even scare him."

Shota's eye twitched and he grabbed his son by the capture scarf and yanked him outside.

"Come along Hitoshi!"
On the rooftop of a high rise the father son duo sat lounging as they watched the city lights and cars come alive with activity. Shota sighed heavily and spoke.

"Your so much like how I used to be at your age that it's scary son..."

Hitoshi turned and noticed his father was staring at the canary charm.

"You lost your parents at a young age went from one foster home to the next and were so convinced that you couldn't achieve your dream because of your quirk that you wallowed in self pity until the sports festival and even then you had a long struggle with that."

His black eyes dimmed as he spoke softly. "It's something I can relate to..."

"But mom and uncle Hizashi, they all say you..."

"That was during my first and third year at U.A. not my second year..." he abruptly turned away and muttered with a almost pained looking frown. "I hated school back then."

Shota stared down at the cloud charm that was dangling between the Cockatoo and the barb shaped heart and sighed heavily to gain a sense of stability before he spoke again.

"I didn't have many good memories back then...not as I did during the first and final year attending U.A."

He enclosed his hand around the golden canary charm and spoke.

"I'm going to tell you what I told that idiot Crawler all those years ago, after the kid got in over his head trying to save a little girl and a stray cat. So do listen up because I don't think that I'll be able to say this again for a long time okay son?"

Hitoshi stared at his father and realized that this was likely going to be a very heavy topic and nodded curtly in a means of moral support. Shota closed his eyes and tilted his head up to gaze at the stars. He sighed heavily before he spoke with a irritated almost self loathing tone in his voice.

"It all started with a stupid head cold."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now