Chapter 308: The Questionable Resolve of Asylum

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Akemi and Shota were running ninja parkour style along rooftops in the far outskirts of the city. Into the more rougher districts where crime was a more common occurrence. They went even further away from the city deep into the forests leaping from tree branches before hearing the Freddy Kruger whistle. Genkaku appeared from behind a tree and the couple landed in front on him.

"Erasure Brat, Harionago."

" handling this well? Word from the Underground is that you've been driving Titanium Whip up a wall with your incessant nagging."

Genkaku turned towards Shota and frowned as his eyes narrowed behind his white head covering. "If that's your way of asking if the Demon's wanting to go on a rampage...then relax Erasure Brat he's not going to let that happen. We've got our priorities straight, and quite frankly he's not to assumed by your pathetic attempts at humor."

Genkaku flashed the couple his signature sinister grin and flexed his hands in and out of fists, acting as if he were itching to strangle Shota right then and there.

"Nope not amused at all. So I suggest you start showing a little more trust in me old friend."

Shota blinked in hesitation. "I..."

Genkaku scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. "However if you really want to know how I feel about this then I'll tell you. I'm not fine. I'm not fine at all."

Shota shared a sideways glance with Akemi.

"I'm pissed off just knowing that this asylum has never been noticed by the government...I mean seriously! What The Hell?"

He cursed under his breath. "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. After all I lived for eight years in a place that was already considered Hell long before I arrived there. So why wouldn't this place be any different?"

He smiled and with a humorless chuckle he turned to face them. "God it infuriates me! So no I'm not fine! I'm not at all fine Erasure Brat! I believed I killed off my entire family and that I was finally free from their influence forever but nope! Like a cockroach I now have an unwanted reality check because now I find out this man's related to me by blood!"

The Demon laughed like the Joker. "If that's not enough to validate my anger then certainly you'll understand how much I wanna scream after hearing he's torturing children? That act will be the final nail in his coffin. I won't kill matter how much I want to and believe me I want to paint the walls with his blood...but as little Eri said," Shota and Akemi both looked at Genkaku, "I'm a hero... I walk the path of redemption. Killing him will not give me peace. No, saving these children will."

"However, I don't think either of you will ever understand the enormity of my rage towards that man."

His hands clenched. "Despite my seething WRATH...I care more about the sanity of these children than I do for revenge."

Shota smirked. "Eri's story changed you huh Genkaku?"

"Yeah she has. That's the reason why I'm not going to let him antagonize me. The Demon's not a fool and the thing neither of us want is to be a trigger for these kids to act on their own fears and attack us."

He turned away again. "He doesn't just torture them...he makes them believe that it's for their own good. That all the joy they once had in life was a lie, these children weren't sent there...they lived there. It was registered as an orphanage in reality it's an asylum. He bought the orphanage and pretended to be a kind man but with his quirk his influence left them with nothing more than bad memories and that he was the one who gave them a life, a home...a family. To the children he's essentially helping them heal. In reality he's doing what my father couldn't...he's created the perfect puppet soldiers. Obedient, with no will of their own. They well obey him because they see him as the only one who cares for them. Like how I was with my Onee-sama."

He turned to face the couple. "You have to trust me on this one...if they react, even the slightest, of how I used to act before Kurotama saved me, then we'll need your paralysis toxins to subdue them Harionago. For their own safety."

"N-Noted." Akemi's eyes dimmed. The thought of using her quirk on children—Genkaku placed his hand on her shoulder. Akemi instantly looked at him. She could feel the stare of his demonic eyes upon her through that head covering as the Demon spoke.

"It won't be a repeat of last time Harionago...We both swear to make sure of that."

Genkaku spoke up as well. "We've been doing well ever since that Insomniac Brat of yours helped me to see through the trauma of my past. And if the Demon does make me go on a rampage...then Erasure Brat's here to help. won't come to that."

Akemi bit her lower lip and nodded in apprehension she hoped it wouldn't have to come down to her using her quirk on the children at all.

Shota frowned softly, sure he could tell that Genkaku was different from the last time they talked. He sounded less crazy...happier even, but that resolve was already being tested. Shota could hear it in Genkaku's voice. Even the Demon was hesitating on their sworn oath.

Shota stepped forward. "Asylum...we've got children to save. Let's get this done."

"Right...follow me." He created his hallucinations clones and they dispersed into the trees to scout out their target. Genkaku leap into the trees and the couple hastily followed him. He stopped on the large branch of a tree near the old decrepit building shaped like a cross were the central watchtower unoccupied. Genkaku dispelled his hallucination clones and frowned as the memories stored within were processed. One clone was spotted by a child on the fourth floor and shot at by a boney projectile. That happened moments after he noticed there was a skylight open.

"Dammit this is of my clones was spotted by a child on the fourth floor. The kid had impressive range...rivals that Cowboy Hero. It looked like the projectiles the kid shot were his own finger bones..."

Akemi looked like she was going to be sick. "Finger bones?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that he knows we're here now. Look," Genkaku pointed to the skylight. "He's left us an easy opening, and is likely waiting for us to enter."

Shota spoke. "You don't think the coward ran and just ditched the children?"

"No...he's in there." The Demon chuckled darkly. "He's spent to much effort in perfecting his little child army. He wouldn't abandon it." Genkaku spoke. "No, he's waiting for us to come inside and will most likely set the kids on us. They'll attack us."

Akemi spoke. "So what do we do Asylum your in charge of this mission?"

Genkaku smirked. "We give him what he wants." The Demon made him crack his knuckles. "Let's give him a show he'll never forget."

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