Chapter 203: "Your not a failure Shota..."

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Shota sighed as he entered the Yamada Apartment. It was 6:35 and he was late for dinner. He expected to get questioned about that by any other parent but Sōzōshī Yamada wasn't like most parental figures.

Tonight Shota walked in to see the table being set and a crabmeat seafood stir-fry cooking on the stove.

Shota was glad the older man could cook.

"Uhhh whatever happened to the rule of dinner starting at 6:30 always at 6:30? Did I get hit by that girl in 1-B's dream quirk again?"

Hizashi snickered. "Naw Bro, Dad Just Had To Get The Water Chestnuts From The Store Cause Someone Ate Them All The Last Time."

Shota was at the table the moment Hizashi said Water Chestnuts with a big grin on his face. "Yes! I've been craving those for over a week now!"

Sōzōshī Yamada chuckled and smiled over the boys grinning face. He sure did miss that boys crazy grin. He placed the stir-fry on the table and they ate their fill. Shota noticed the man's grin never left his face.


"Oh nothing I just find it amusing how Akemi can manage to scare the teachers into not giving her detention. The girl was even fine with the punishment until Recovery Girl put her foot down."

Shota smirked softly and blushed over the thought of his girlfriend. He really was lucky to have her in his life.

"That girls a keeper Shota. Remember that."

"Dad you act like I want a shotgun aiming at my head! Her father threatened to shoot me if I break her heart and I like my head without a bullet hole in it."

Sōzōshī smirked and ate a piece of stir-fried crabmeat and vegetables. "That does sound like Nobuyuki he does have a flare for the dramatics."

Shota rolled his eyes with a playful smirk. "Yeah..."

He then frowned into his hand. "I only wish he was here for the internships."

Sōzōshī sighed. "I wish I could take you Shota but I'm booked up with hero work plus teaching and the radio station until Kanaria's....until her sidekicks can get the Agency under control again."

Shota looked down at his half eaten plate he suddenly wasn't feeling so hungry. Sōzōshī noticed and spoke. "Don't focus on that son. She'd want you to move forward and to be the hero you always strived to be. Now eat your food Shota you need your strength. If I hear you passed out again from a lack of food, well let's just say, your not going to like what I'll have to do to ensure that you eat."

Shota gulped and started eating again. After dinner he headed to his room and sat down on the bed. He sighed and pulled out a small aged photograph and smiled softly as memories flooded back with his tears.

"I wanna be the hero you guys always believed I'd be...but I just don't know why I can't get past this. It's my fault isn't it? I couldn't save you back then. Just like I couldn't..."

He closed his eyes and sighed softly as he kissed the images on the photograph and smiled even if he was forcing himself so he wouldn't cry as he prayed to them. "Night Mamma night Papa, I miss you guys so much... Can you tell Granddad that I'm sorry I say my quirk's useless.... I don't want to mean it but it's hard. I've got an amazing quirk but I've lost so many people... I just don't wanna use his goggles until after U.A. I don't want them to break again."

He sighed and continued speaking his prayer. "Uh can you tell, well can you tell mom that I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I'm sorry I ever had us go that way. I'm sorry I caused dad and Hizashi so much grief. I'm sorry."

Shota finally broke and cried. "I'm sorry I'm not what you always wanted me to be but I don't know how to get past this pain. I'm trying really hard everyday but sometimes I...sometimes I wonder if everyones better off without me. I'm not going to kill myself that's just irrational thinking but I can tell that I'm making everyone I care about sad. I don't want them to feel sad because I can't stop feeling like a total failure."

Shota bowed his head and frowned as tears fell onto his lap. "Maybe...maybe Sensoji's right. What good am I if I can't even save the people I love most. I'm no hero, I'm nothing."

Sōzōshī Yamada was on the other side of the door and he opened it. "Shota you're not a failure. You're not nothing! I'm sorry I've been neglecting you but son...Shota..." he walked over and held his adoptive son in his arms. "I love that you try so hard to be the best hero you can be but stop trying to be the hero you think we want you to be and become the hero that you want to be. Your a brave compassionate kid to care so deeply about how we feel, even as you feel like breaking down. Shota I never wanted you to feel like it was your fault. The blame rests on the heads of the villains not on you. I'm saddened by the loss of my wife, but I'm just glad that at least she died saving you."

He kissed his forehead and sighed softly. "I'm positive that they are smiling down at you son. Use that as motivation as the strength you need to get past this."

Shota was fighting over another sobbing fit and nodded as he wiped his eyes. Sōzōshī smiled softly.

"Remember son you can always talk to me and Hizashi about this. Or Akemi and her parents. We're here for you son...there will always be people who care about you that will never change."

He kissed Shota's forehead. "Goodnight son see you tomorrow."


Sōzōshī smiled. "Your welcome Shota."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now