Chapter 245: Flames and Smoke...don't breathe in or you'll choke

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It all happened so fast this was the same man...the same man Shota had seen all those years ago the day Kanaria Yamada died. But this...this was beyond anarchism now. She had found him in his home. An apartment complex a kind little girl around Eri's age pointed her in the direction of Mister Kagu-tsuchi's apartment. The girl said he keeps to himself and he never causes trouble for anyone. She asked if Akemi was a friend and Akemi nodded and said he gave her a key to visit him. The curious girl grinned and spoke.

"Okay bye pretty lady!"

She skipped down the hall and Akemi made her way up the stairs. Akemi would've liked to believe the child but she knew better...she approached casually her intel said he was out of the apartment building around this time and would return soon. She jimmied the lock and entered. The moment she turned on the lights she was stunned.

Bomb parts littered the entire apartment and she used her quirk to hover over the floor in case the man left traps. As she walked around by her hair she was gathering intelligence, until she opened the bedroom and froze over the map and the locations of his last Anarchist plot fifteen years ago circled in red marker.

Tied to a thumbtack and attached to red string was a picture of her husband on a pegboard...a picture of him at age sixteen and one of Kanaria Yamada. Has this man spent fifteen years trying to figure out who Shota was? Then she heard it. The door creaking open, had she seriously been so consumed by that thought that she failed to assess the situation!!!

"Hello hero..."

She spun around in horror and saw a man with a gaze that mirrored an enraged Shota in its intensity and a grin that mirrored Stain in its insanity. He looked like an insane asylum patient and that had Akemi wondering if he had a split personality or if he had created a fake identity whenever he was forced to interact with people. Either way he was not in a right state of mind.

"I've been waiting to see the final explosion go off. I was hoping that Eraserhead brat would show but I guess I'll settle for'll be another hero he failed to save..."

He pressed a detonator and the explosion was massive!!! Her hair wrapped around her and shielded her but she crashed into the fourth floor. She opened her eyes and tried not to breathe as smoke was all she saw.

She instantly knelt down and the first thing she did was get the support made oxygen mask and put it on. The man was dead.

The fall was fatal for him and as Akemi looked around she saw more bodies and then heard loud cracking, looked up, and then screamed scrabbling out of the way of a falling floor joist. The building was going up in flames. She already knew this was bad the explosion was likely ridged within the walls and traveled into every apartment in a chain reaction everybody was either dead or struggling to stay alive. She scrambled to her feet in a crouched position underneath the smoke and ran.

She had to find if anyone survived!

It was a tragedy. Everyone she had come across in her short time within the small building were dead and yet one had managed to survive.

Akemi had not even hesitated in placing her oxygen mask on the survivor and carried the victim in her arms this was the only one who survived they were not dying in the flames! But the strain of Akemi's lungs without the oxygen mask was talking it's toll on her.

She was coughing desperately as she leaned against a support wall trying to manage her breathing so she wouldn't suffocate as she carried the still breathing girl in her arms. She was jumping over holes created in the destruction of the exploded building.

It shouldn't have gone this tragically!

She suddenly fell and then screamed as a timber fell upon her leg. The girl's body fell from her arms and she heard the oxygen mask cracking. Her eyes widened in horror.

*No...Get Up! You Have To Save Her!!!*

Akemi screamed as she pulled her leg out from underneath the timber. She either had a broken ankle or leg but that didn't matter as she gathered the child into her arms and ran despite the pain in her leg and throbbing lungs as she braced herself and crashed out of an outer wall. She fell and her hair barely managed to brace her impact with the ground.

All she saw was flames...

*How could it have turned so wrong so quickly?*

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now