Chapter 281: "Say your prayers."

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Osamu was sweating bullets. He was soooo grateful that he was the one with the mind reading quirk, especially as he was now staring into the glowing red eyes of Yuina's father. His Sensei...Erasure.

Osamu kept his quirks power at bay out of the sheer intensity of Hayato's terrifying gaze.

Hayato was the calm before the storm...his heavy nose breathing was proof of his expertly controlled rage slowly simmering like a volcano that's about to erupt if Osamu's explanation wasn't up to his satisfaction.

Osamu gulped and spoke with a terrified squeak as he hastily tried to gather his thoughts, and yet each strategic response he thought of turned into a replay of his and Yuina's moment of intimacy. He paled to the same shade as the hospital room walls.

"I can explain..."

His mental image was of him pulling out his hair screaming: *YOU IDIOT THATS WHAT YOU TELL HIM! HE'S GOING TO THINK THE WORST OF YOU!*

That was true because a second later Hayato had the front of the Osamu's hospital gown gripped within his clenched fist. "YOU HAD THE GALL TO ASK WITHOUT MY PERMISSION????"

Yuina shouted desperately. "Daddy Stop He's Still Healing From His Wound! Please I Love Him! He Said That He'll Explain So Let Him Explain Before You Decide To Kill Him!"

Hayato released Osamu and the young man fell back onto the bed hissing slightly over his side but his left hand was resting over his rapidly pounding heart as he fought to steady his pulse.

Hayato backed away from the now traumatized young man. He was seething and turned to face his daughter, he was visibly shaking over the raw emotional rage. His evenly calm tone was unsettling to them both, and to his own wife, as he turned his gaze back towards his young prodigy.

"Alright, I'm listening. So...explain yourself Aizawa."

Osamu gulped then sighed heavily and bowed his head to stare down at his hands. He wished his capture bindings were around his hands. The carbon fiber were a calming 'security blanket' to him, and to not have them...he felt like a piece of his identity was lost.

"I-I honestly didn't think we'd make it out of there alive...I didn't want to die with regrets and my biggest regret would be not telling Yuina, your only daughter, that I love her."

He closed his eyes and started crying over the memories that plagued his heart. Both of his and Yuina's fears of death before Yasuhiro's ultimate sacrifice. "You can hate me all you want Sir, but I won't take it back." He looked up with a fierce intensity in his gaze. "I can't! Not anymore. Not after what happened. I will never take back my love for her. We willingly gave our hearts to each other."

He stared Hayato down and Hayato was mildly impressed by his resolve.

"I love her more than my own life. The moment before I said my confession to her, I feared she loved another. I told her what was in my heart and I only regretted not being able to save her so she could be with that man she talked about. I was willing to die to save her if I was given that chance. I'm just grateful for the opportunity to be able to spend my life with her now. She made me a better person the day she slapped me in that alleyway five years ago, and now she's made me a better man. I would do anything to prove that...even stare down the man who's rage terrifies me to no end!"

He gulped and bowed his head as his emotions overwhelmed him. "Ya-Yasuhiro Sensei gave his life to save us...he died so we could live. He instantly saw what I was to much of a coward to realize, not until it took the fear of my own death with Yuina for me to say it. That I love her. That I will devote my life to making her every dream a reality. That I want to marry her. To start a family with her if I'm given the chance..."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now