Chapter 227: The 3 Stooges of U.A. are similar to The Big 3 don't you think?

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Akemi was curious about why Shota and Hizashi were gone so suddenly, and why the students of 2-A were saying he left looking angrier than he did the day he expelled them?

She went straight to Nezu but that little mouse man had a poker face that was as hard as a diamond. He said that it was confidential, and the only thing he would say is that something big came up with an investigation Tsukauchi was undertaking down in Tartarus.

*What is so big enough that it requires the presence of my husband and his Cockatoo haired brother you conniving little Mouse?*

Given that Hizashi's class was before hers this new semester she'd be given two whole class periods. So she split class 1-A and 1-B apart. Class 1-A was before Class 1-B and since the third years had a free period for the length of Hizashi's class time she asked Mirio, Amajiki, and Nejire to help her with Class 1-A.

Eri was with Nemuri, learning about hero art history, and the child was loving the lessons so much that she didn't leave, even when Nemuri's class started. Nobody in Nemuri's classes questioned it. They were all just happy seeing Eri smiling with the childlike fascination she was deprived of for the first few years of her life.

Akemi wasn't surprised by that as she walked towards Gym Gamma. She was surprised to see Amajiki was working with his quirk before the conjoining classes even started. Nejire was silently watching him through the crack in the doorway. Mirio was absent because he went to fetch Emiko for Akemi.


The girl looked like a scared cat jumping out of her skin and spun around with a fist raised for a punch. She squeaked like a mouse in horror and covered her mouth whispering.

"Miss Yuriemoto, I almost punched your face!"

Akemi chuckled. "You alright dearie?"

"Oh's just Amajiki..." she ran her fingers through her hair with a downcast gaze and tone. "He's been coming here more often now."

"And, let me guess... you claim to be his spotter, but are really just concerned about him?"

"How did you...?"

Akemi turned towards the crack in the door and softly opened it further while whispering softly. "Shota was the same way...asked for permission to train here after school during our second year here...Hizashi was always his spotter...I knew better than to believe that."

Akemi closed her eyes and spoke with a trembling voice. "I never came...I couldn't watch Shota push himself like that."

"Wha..." Nejire's eyes held concern and she suddenly went silent.

"It was our second year...we had a dear friend...Shi-Loud Cloud...He, Shota, and Hizashi were more like the Three Stooges of U.A." she smirked. "They easily could've been the Big Three had they cared about any of that... In a way you three remind me of them."

"Really how?"

Akemi smiled softly as she spoke. " definitely Shira-Kumo. That sunshine grin alone is proof of that."

Little did either of the women realize was that Mirio (who is currently holding a sleeping Emiko) and the entirety of Class 1-A arrived at Gym Gamma only to stop dead in their tracks by what they heard.

Mirio got one look at 1-A's saddened faces and knew that they already knew about Shira-Kumo but kept it hidden from the woman out of respect.

Nejire and the others listening in did take notice of how Akemi let Shira-Kumo's name slip. Akemi turned to Nejire with a soft smile.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now