Chapter 260: The Seeds of Love Bloom

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Hitoshi had a feeling his smirk was going to be a permanent feature as he noted another reminder to bring Grandpa Nobuyuki here.

Why would he bother? It's simple, Nobuyuki's parents Titanous and Steel Magnolia make an appearance!

"Idiot, what was I thinking?" Hayato muttered as he walked with a potted Black Dahlia in his arms. "I don't know enough about her to even explain this to her without sounding like a creep. Why the heck did I even buy this?"

He sighed heavily and spoke. "Huh, I guess I can just say that my apartment's been needing a little life to it...nothing weird about that?"

"You know if you keep talking to yourself out loud Hayato people will start looking at you funny."

Hayato turned and would've pulled out a Kunai on the person, if his hands weren't carrying the Black Dahlia. He saw a smirking grin and slate grey eyes of Titanous with his arms resting casually behind his head. The man was dressed in a casual dark grey horai with the kimono undershirt and hakama pants. He wore spiked sandal shoes.

Titanous clicked his tongue and chuckled.

"Soooo who's the lucky girl?"

Hayato's eyes turned red for a split second. "'re lucky my hands are full or else you'd have a Kunai in between the eyes right now you idiot."

Another softer voice spoke. "I'm grateful you're hands are full then Hayato."

He turned to his right and saw Steel Magnolia with her long black hair and steel magnolia hair accessories scattered throughout her hair. She was wearing a casual replica of her hero costume a green and cream colored kimono. Her quirk allows her to turn any ferrous metal around her into the shape of Magnolia leaves, which she then uses as Kunai's or Magnolia flower throwing stars. She can control the metal without touching it and pin her enemies to walls. She can even makes needless whenever she's desperately low on steel from strands of her husbands own hair. He always likes to pretend that it hurts him as she takes strands of his hair.

She gave a knowing smirk and eyebrow arch over the beautiful flower in Hayato's arms.

"Kiyomi, aren't you both supposed to be on patrol right now?"

Yasuhrio spoke with that stupid grin. "Nope. Now who's the lucky girl?"

Hayato glared at Yasuhiro's slate grey eyes and shining Titanium hair that was growing longer every second of repressed excitement.

Kiyomi nudged Hayato's arm. "Well are you gonna tell us?"

He headed down a alleyway and they followed. "Promise me that the meaning behind your name is still a valid attribute for you Yasuhiro. Please remain calm."

He told them everything and Kiyomi was stunned then shifted to a frown over Miyu's story but ultimately smiled happily as she stared at Hayato. He was like a lost kitten when it comes to his emotions.

She blamed Mizuki Rin for that...years of her degrading and manipulation of his self worth took its toll on him.

Just seeing him so happy now while talking about Miyu was a wonderful sight. They shared similarities and Kiyomi felt it in her heart that they were both destined to meet. That they were meant to help each other out from the depression and darkness of their current lives.

Hayato wasn't worried about Kiyomi's views on this, it was Yasuhiro he was worried about.

"Well...say something will ya Yasuhiro?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now