Chapter 236: Like Father Like Daughter

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Now it's Akemi's turn to process this horrifying information...

Five stages of grief...what happens if you can't get past Anger?

Back on the roof...right after Nemuri left.

Akemi stood there and stared at her own shadow after the group hug was broken. She was frozen as the five stage of grief swarmed through her only to get stuck on anger. She turned to Shota and kissed him desperately and Hizashi looked away with a soft sorrowful smile to give them a little privacy.

Akemi broke the kiss. "Shota I need to follow Nemuri's example right now and process this on my own okay darling?"

Shota cradled her face within his hands and nodded. "I know, Hizashi and I will be hiding away from the world in the Teachers Dormitory if you need me to comfort you."

Akemi frowned softly over their attempt at isolation as she kissed him again before nodding. She then hugged him and pulled Hizashi into the comforting hug before heading to her baby girls bedroom within Class 1-A's Dormitory.

Emiko had just woken up from her nap.

"Emiko you wanna help Mama?"

Emiko yawned sleepily. "Elp Ma-Mah?"

"Yes sweetie I need your help."

She smiled sleepily. "Elp Ma-Mah!"

Akemi strapped Emiko into her stroller and dialed a number.

"This is Makoto speaking who is this?"

"Makoto this is Pro Hero Harionago you don't happen to know if your brother and Gran Torino are at the police station right now do you?"

"They are. I just got off the phone with the world's most sleep deprived detective. He seemed very...tense today, which is normal for him recently with all the villain activity, but still you'd think the man sleeps at the station these days! Anyway sorry about going off like that what all do you need from them?"

"Nothing really just to know their doing their jobs. Thank you."

"Oh...of course? Have a good day Harionago."

Akemi hung up the phone with a wickedly scary grin. "Perfect."

Akemi arrived at the police station with the car parked and Emiko in her stroller Akemi walked in and headed straight for Tsukauchi's office. She opened the door with a bang and both Tsukauchi and Gran Torino were trying to figure out which hospital Shira-Kumo's 'corpse' had meant in regards to the lead.

Tsukauchi blinked in surprise. "Harionago?"

Akemi looked up behind her hair and both men paled over her single blood red eye glaring at them. Her voice was unsettlingly even in tone as her chin, nose, and mouth appeared through her hair.

"Emiko...Simon Says, Freeze!"

A giggling Emiko froze them in place with her Immobilization quirk.

Akemi smirked darkly. "It's no use trying to break free boys. Emiko has learned a new game  recently and that game is Simon Says. She's a smart girl and knows not to unfreeze you both unless I say Simon Says. It's only when I say to unfreeze you both with those two words that she relent. She can hold her quirk for a lot longer than her father can, and I'm counting the time back when his quirk wasn't hindered after the U.S.J. attack. Now despite that I don't want to strain her little eyes, so let's make this quick. I have just one question for you gentlemen and I suggest you answer me..."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now