Chapter 337: Let The Games Begin!

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The Demon smirked and slugged Scarface right in the jaw before the man could even react.

"Show Time Ya Bastards! Act 1: Is Me Beating Your Sorry Asses All The Way To Hell!"

Akemi used her hair and shoved Jolly Jack away before he could bludgeon the side of her skull with his mallet. He slammed into the Crimson King.


Akemi then grappled with Harlequin who pounced on her like a wildcat and tried strangling her. "YOU HURT UNCLE JOKER!!!! AND YOU HURT JACK HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Akemi scoffed and flung the girl off her body to fly over the crimson throne. Harlequin landed with a thud and groaned. Akemi then swiftly turned on her heels and dodged a throwing knife as it was inches from embedding into her head from Court Jester.


The Demon cackled as he ducked bending his body backwards to avoid being impaled by Scarface's clawed gloves. "Sorry Jester but it doesn't look like she's getting up for a while!"

Akemi dodged and weaved past the enraged Jester's throwing knives as Genkaku created ten clones and had five of the clones charge at Jolly Jack who got off of the Crimson King while the rest handled the Reaper.

Genkaku was focused on Scarface while keeping the Crimson King away from Akemi.

The Demon gave Genkaku enhanced strength and a sharp intellect and with that strength he grabbed the Crimson King by the back of the man's outfit and flung the man over his shoulder like a five pound weight. "Nope!" The Crimson King slammed into the floor five feet behind him "You are NOT touching her you psycho clown!"

Scarface slashed at Genkaku and then stops abruptly. "Now I remember...Your A HERO! YOUR INQUISITOR'S INSANITY BRAT!"

The Demon growled then grinned. "Awww you know about me! I'm flattered...but, there's one flaw in that introduction..."

He spoke with a demonic laugh. "I Am No Hero!" Scarface suddenly slashed through Genkaku's straight jacket tearing across his chest and drew blood. The Demon assessed the injuries, not fatal, and then looked up with a sneer. "So, you've chosen death? How Wonderful For Me!"

The Demon punched him in the face knocking him out and immediately turned to face the Crimson King Joker when the man spoke. "So I can assume that my little Queen is a hero to?"

"How did you get out of her paralysis?"

The Crimson King Joker smirked. "My blood makes me immune to the affects of numbing injections. I always say pain is the most euphoric pleasure. A pity she didn't let me continue. Perhaps I'll have to capture her and mark her as mine before I take what I want from her."

The Demon snapped. "Then I'll make sure you don't get up!"

The Demon charged forth and Genkaku also went wild alongside the Demon, punching, kicking, and snarling as the clones also went wild. The clones disappeared from existence while laughing maniacally, even as Reaper attempted to melt the clones faces off. Jolly Jack was getting tackled by clones and one jumped on his back and started cackling hysterically as he covered the man's eyes and taunted. "Aw it's cute how your trying to mimic me? But careful now..." he forced the lumbering man to run straight into a wall! "There's a wall there!"

Akemi was still fighting against Court Jester. She was constantly assessing the battlefield. Genkaku was occupying the other clowns keeping them busy. She used her hair to shield herself as she tried to get a signal out from the tiny earpiece in her right ear. But thanks to the incredibly thick walls of the chamber it was coming out as garbled static from both ends. She decided to turn the static into a form of Morse Code and prayed her father got the hidden message.

They needed backup!

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