Chapter 347: Kitsune

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Hizashi's a little out of character, but for a reason.

Shota turned towards Kitsune.

"I apologize for his attitude." He then hastily followed after Hizashi.

Akemi was concerned, that wasn't like Hizashi at all. "You know each other."

Kitsune got out of the water and sighed softly as she closed her parasol. "We did."

Nemuri spoke. "Ya know I like a good soap opera story, especially when it surrounds a secret romance between my childhood friend and that Screaming Cockatoo, but...given how Hizashi acted and how your ears are down against your head, I can tell it's a difficult topic."

Kitsune's ears raised to the pointed fox-like appearance as she smiled softly. "Thank you Kayama."

Nemuri smiled and hugged her old friend. "It's good to see you again Kurenai."

Akemi's eyes widened slightly. "Kurenai, that's a rare name. Usually don't hear that name as often if at all."

"I'm Kurenia Himiko. My Hero Name is Kitsune."

Akemi familiarized herself with the meaning of the Kanji.

Kurenai: (kurenia) "deep red"

Himiko: (hi) meaning "fire" with (mi) meaning "beauty", (ko) "secret"

She smiled. "The name definitely suits you Kitsune."

"I'll introduce you to the rest of the ladies."

Nemuri spoke up. "I'll just head towards the bar then. No doubt Shota's berating Hizashi on his crappy attitude. I mostly expect to see that kind of attitude from Shota not Hizashi."

Kurenai's eyes widened as Nemuri left. Akemi caught that reaction. "Kurenai?"

" in, Shota Aizawa?"

"Yes, he's my husband."

Kurenai turned to face Akemi with her wide yellow eyes. "You're Akemi!"

"Yes...Umph!" Akemi was hugged by the trembling woman. "Uhhh Kurenai?

"I—I never met him, but...I don't know how to say this...I just...thank you! Thank you for being strong enough to stay for his sake, and for Hizashi's...I—Arigato!"

"Hey...whoa?" Akemi backed away and assessed the woman's appearance. Kurenai's fox ears were down and turned back to show her sorrow. Akemi also saw the tears in the corners of her eyes. "Whoa Kurenai there's no need for tears. I appreciate the kind words, but, I'm just a little confused right now. I can tell you clearly have a history with Hizashi but..."

Kurenia turned away as her fox ears showed her sadness. "I-we," she blushed softly, "we used to date."

Akemi's jaw unhinged. "Shut-up...when? And how come I never met you until now?"

"Well I knew Kayama since I was little. I went to Shiketsu High. Hizashi and I were nineteen when we met on a train of all places."

"A train?"

"Yep! He was caught staring at me as I sang the lyrics to a song we both love. He stared, up until the moment I realized that someone was watching me. We started talking and hit it off from there."

Akemi's heart clenched. "Nineteen...and you never met Shota—or me."

Kurenai sighed. "Yes, despite his loud demeanor he is a secretive man when it comes to his love-life. It was one of the things that drew me to him when we first started dating. Fox's are secretive souls especially in Japanese lore and despite my foxy nature I can't help it if I'm still—I mean—was drawn to a screaming bird."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now