Chapter 334: The Crimson King Joker and his deck of Wild Cards

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The Song I used for inspiration is Red Moth's song on Youtube called Darkness Below.

Is a child's life more valuable than a Diamond?

What do you call a hero without a Heart?

Can you hear the Jack laughing, over their final screams of pain?

The Ace's mind is breaking, the insanity card it about to play...

To become a master entertainer, you must first become a Joker.

The King of all other cards.

But what happens when the Queen has no intentions of becoming his bride?

She better chose wisely, or his victims will be stabbed to death by an iron spade!

Alas my dear, we're all mad here—it's about time you joined the Club!


The Crimson King Joker...a twisted kidnapper, a serial killer of brutal torture, and notorious villain of laughter.

He has many names.

The King of Cards.

Jokers Spawn.

The Devils Laughing Advocate.

The Trickster of Death.

He's even been called: IT incarnate.

The list goes on and on, but no matter how much you shuffle the deck of cards—the Joker always comes out on top.

He's the Wild Card.

His loyal entourage is a rather twisted deck of cards.

The first is his older brother, the leader of the Three Crimson Mages.

Hidden behind the polished mask with the Cheshire Smile, his brother goes by the name of Court Jester, he's the Laughing Assassin.

His specialty is throwing knifes. He likes to play with live targets. Strapping them down to a spinning wheel. He ties balloons filled with his quirks laughing gas in the middle of victims opened palms. He aims for the balloons stabbing straight through embedding deep into the flesh of their palms.

His victims die laughing, instead of screaming over the pain, as he continues throwing his deadly blades until the victims are a pin cushion spraying crimson red blood onto the walls with every spin of the deadly torture wheel. His canvas walls were always better stained in fresh crimson blood.

The Court Jester only has his fun whenever the children's desperate parents were stupid enough to follow after their children. All those who attempt to grab their children away from his young protégé clown were met with a bloody retribution. And later on he would inflict his beatings towards his little protégé clown while put under the intoxication of his laughing gas for three hours.

The youngest member of The House of Laughter is only fifteen-years-old. She is the twisted girl born from her father's twisted laughter. The Jester's little Clown. The Harlequin of charm. She's their Pied-Piper.

Her age is the greatest benefactor. Her bubbly personality is just a facade. Her clown like silliness calms the children, while her contortionist tricks make them stare in wonder. Once she has them hooked like flies in a flytrap, her eyes flash a sinister shade of red. She whistles a jaunty tune as she skips into the dark. She uses her quirk Musical Charm to lure the lost children into the House of Laughter... the House of Crimson Blood.

The parents are so hard to entertain their just not musically inclined...but the children follow her blindly it's all a part of the charm.

The ransoms are just for show, the police and parents are their audience and the children are both their performers and sacrificial pawns.

Wether the Crimson King Joker chooses to play his wild card...depends solely on his current mood. All he needs to expand his deck is hand the children his joker card. With his blood possession quirk the joker burns into their outstretched palms. Marking them as his sacrificial pawns. The blood on the card is mixed with laughing gas and the children are trapped in an intoxicating dream. Permanent grins become the children's calling card. The cards of thieves he can easily discard the moment they've been caught.

When he doesn't feel like expanding his deck...that's when the rest of the Crimson Mages come out to play.

The second of the Crimson Mages underneath the Court Jester is the Reaper of Hearts. Known by the police as the Grim Bloody Fool. He likes torturing the police whenever they dare raid their madhouse of a home. He captures them and tortures them, using acid to burn their bodies down to the bone.

The final member of the three Crimson Mages is called Scarface, the Psychopathic Clown. He carves up the faces of his victims just to listen to their screams of pain. The cries of the children is all the motivation he needs to start his newest killing spree.

Then there's the Jolly Jack of cards. The Gallagher's Buffoon, the Grand Executioner of the Villainous Clowns. The Crimson King's personal bodyguard. He likes to use his trusty mallet, bludgeoning execution style. Whenever the police are so foolishly captured within the King's madhouse of mirrors and trapdoors. He has his fun alongside the others while Crimson King sits on the throne with a Joker card in hand. Waiting for his Queen of Spades to come and claim his iconic calling.

Heroes never dared to enter their abandoned madhouse, but soon they'll meet the dreaded Ace and Queen of Spades.

Soon the Clowns of Crimson Blood will fear the insanity within the Ace...and the wrath of the dreaded Queen of Spades.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now