Chapter 342: "Your a fighter Akemi."

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They sat in the shower until 11:30. Shota was hugging her as she cried and when she couldn't cry anymore he simply held her and allowed her to touch all the scars on his chest and back. He reached up and turned off the shower before he returned to holding her in a hug. He cradled her cheek within his hand and kissed her lips softly before speaking.

"The students made Eri's favorite, if you're hungry?"

She sniffed and spoke softly. "Chicken Soup?"


She looked up into his eyes and smiled softly as she thought about her second oldest child. "No doubt she demanded they make it for us...bless those kindhearted students." She frowned upon remembering the looks on her students faces. "Oh Shota they looked about as traumatized as I feel right now!"

"Stop, they only looked like that because they care about you Akemi. They feel grieved because you had to suffer with that pain for so long...Akemi, they feel that deeply for you darling. They love you like family, and what you went through by the hands of those psychopaths was brutality at its worst." He stopped speaking when he suddenly realized, "Oh God, no wonder Genkaku said he never liked's not that he meant he doesn't like kids, it's that he just hated the reminder of that tragedy. I'm glad he has Shinigami and the rest of the 39 kiddos to brighten up his demonic grinch-like heart."

Akemi smiled softly and laughed over the Grinch joke. "I never realized until Hitoshi made that connection over how the Demon was trying to protect Genkaku as a child. All that Demon has ever been trying to do is protect him and anyone else Genkaku viewed as being important to him. We both know he has a soft spot around those kids, it's wonderful seeing him heal alongside them."

He nodded and shuddered. "I...I'm glad you told me Akemi...but know that I will never blame you for not being able to tell me about it for so long. It's understandable why you couldn't."

She looked away from him and he kissed her cheek and turned her head to stare into her eyes. "Akemi don't you dare for a second think that I should be reprimanding you for not telling me, because I can't! I won't!"

He took her chin within his hand and stared into her eyes with a fierce red eyed gaze as he used his quirk to make a point. "You were almost raped. What kind of a man would reprimand his own wife for something like that? It's traumatic and believe me I know all about trauma! I don't fault you for freezing up. You were only nineteen years old. Sure you can argue with me and say that as skilled as you were you shouldn't have frozen up at all, but you were drastically unprepared for the reality of that scenario and in a moment of self doubting your mind panicked. Heck any right minded hero put in your position at your age would feel the same! A tragedy and trauma like that is not something that can be easily talked about. However, don't you ever forget that you fought back!"

"But he still violated..."

"Yes he violated you, and traumatized you, and it's also left me to now currently fight against the urge to go and castrate that bastard for all the trauma he's put you through, but—but God that doesn't matter right now! What matters is that he didn't claim you!" He stopped speaking with a shuddered breath and gulp before continuing. "All because you fought back! Before he could go further and take your virginity away from remembered your training and fought back! That's why I could never reprimand you. Never! I can't because I'm not mad, I'm proud of you darling! That's why I know you'll get past this trauma and everything else that's happened, because your a fighter! You're my fighter!"

Akemi closed her eyes and shouted in sorrow. "But what if he would you have been okay with me not saying anything if I had told you that he raped me? That you weren't my fir—?" He silenced her with a kiss and pulled away to speak before she dared to continue.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now