Chapter 269: Nyx is more than just a name...

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⚠️Warning ⚠️

This chapter may be a difficult one for some people to read.

The incredible Webtoons comic (Lore Olympus) about the myth of Persephone and Hades, is part of the inspiration for this chapter...

Like Lore Olympus there are mentions of past rape and mental trauma.

If anyone is dealing with the effects of rape please please don't be afraid to ask for help and seek therapy!

Coercion IS NOT consent!

So Please...Proceed with Caution.

Hitoshi was wiping his eyes with the tissue box handed to him by a softly grinning Reina.

"I know how you feel," she dabbed her own eyes with a tissue. "It gets me every time."

"I...I definitely see my dad in my great grandma...her conviction as well as her sass. I remember my grandpa and I see the similarities between him, my great grandpa Shigeo, and myself...not just with our quirks but our even level headedness."

"And you should. Their DNA is what links you together after all...not just your quirk. It's incredible really, how friendships can be so deeply interwoven into the hearts of others that it transcends lifetimes. Even in the formation of everlasting familial bonds."

Hitoshi blinked over Reina's kind words as she returned to her music and counting the files that needed updating. Hitoshi turned towards his soft snoring of his adoptive mother and smiled softly.


He returned to the memoir and continued reading.

Two days after Miyu's trial... 6:00 am.

Miyu was walking freely down the streets of the city with Hayato's left arm wrapped around her waist. They were dressed in casual clothing but Miyu knew that his clothes were made from the top of the line hero grade cotton and special metal fibers.

Meaning: It's impermeable to tearing.

Apparently Hayato has a pretty wealthy inheritance from his parents and grandparents. An inheritance he saved up in the bank and stocks so he could afford the expensive items.

Like that volcanic ash and mountain pine bath soaps that Miyu absolutely loves.

He never flaunted his wealth and yet now...he suspected that it was one of the key reasons Mizuki Rin was always dragging him back into her arms. Not just for his body but in order to leech off his money.

*That Little Gold-digger...* He frowned slightly upon remembering her and his grip on Miyu's hip tightened slightly.

"Hayato honey, your going to leave another bruise on me like you did with me at two in the morning." Miyu spoke with a flirty giggle as his face blushed and bright red.

They were in public and despite the limited amount of people on the streets this early in the morning today the implications of her words were not oblivious to anyone who overheard. After all the bite mark between her collarbone and shoulder was evidence enough.

"I still don't see why you didn't wear your scarf..."

"What are you embarrassed of me showing the world that I'm your future wife?"

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now