Chapter 319: A duet of two hearts

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The song I used in this chapter is by Little Voice Cast
Titled: Coming Back To You

Dinner was full of chatter as Hizashi regaled the students with the dancing escapade of their two 'favorite' teachers.

Shota groaned into his hand while Akemi was grinning happily.

Midoriya was a chatterbox of questions. "So you're remembering! That's incredible..." he started rambling about ways to speed up the process he's researched until Bakugo reached up and smacked the back of Midoriya's head.

"Shut up Deku! Mister Aizawa clearly has it handled! I made the food tonight so you had better shut up with your stupid rambling and eat it or else we're going to have a few problems!"


"Technically you didn't make it alone Bakugo." Came Kirishima's quick retort.

Kaminari spoke up. "We helped to ya know."

Bakugo grunted as he ate a piece of his dinner. "Head Chef. My Menu."

Akemi smiled brightly. "Regardless of who prepared it, this meal is delicious. Even Emiko agrees."

All eyes were now on the giggling infant with chicken gravy and rice smeared all over her face. Akemi giggled softly and cleaned her face.

"You're so silly Emiko."


Akemi turned to Eri with a smile. "Eri what did you think about the meal sweetie?"

Eri held out her plate. "It's good, more please!"

Bakugo looked like the grinch after his heart grew three sizes. He grinned.

"Sure thing squirt!"

Shota smirked softly as the conversation changed from his 'surprises' during the day while Akemi was giggiling as she fed their infant daughter.

She was making funny faces and strange noises in an attempt at getting Emiko to giggle before shoveling the food into her child's mouth.

Hitoshi smirked and spoke jokingly. "Dadddd, mom's making weird noises again!"

Eri laughed. "You sound like Dash from the Incredibles Movie!"

Shota laughed as Akemi turned to them and pouted. "I heard she likes funny faces? Was that just a lie to make fun of me?"

"No mom, I just found the similarity with that movie to good to pass up. Dad doesn't make funny noises when he feds Emiko."

She rolled her eyes and then ate a piece of her own dinner before giving a sharp side glance to a chuckling Shota Aizawa. She smirked playfully and spoke.

"So Shota what's this final surprise you have planned for me after dinner? Surly you can give me a hint?"

Shota was impassive as he ate a piece of his dinner. "Nope." His tone then shifted into his irritated teacher voice. "I had hoped we would have dropped this discussion already."

Hizashi laughed and pointed his fork at the man. "Oh come on bro it's so obvious!"

Shota's red eyes glared at Hizashi. "Shut Up Or Else!"


Akemi smirked. "Well if my little list is anything to go off then that leaves only three things and..." Her blood red eyes widened as he winked. "Oh..."

"I'm only shooting for one of those three my sense in pressuring you when your uncomfortable."

Akemi was left speechless over his words.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now