Chapter 310: Therapy with a Demon, nothing wrong with that!

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The moment after Shota was taken. Akemi screamed his hero name. "Eraserhead!"

Genkaku hastily shoved her against the wall as bone digits embedded into the wall. The Demon spoke. "Focus Harionago!"

Akemi stared at him and nodded. Genkaku turned and snatched one of the boney digits from the air. "Your brave kid. You got a name or do I have to take a guess?"

The children immediately huddled around Shinigami in fear over that dark voice.

He was obviously the oldest of the 16 children.

"Name is Shinigami." His grey eyes narrowed dangerously. "You scared Yume. You die."

"Oh...that girl's quirk was annoying. I don't like sharing."

Akemi stepped in front of Genkaku. "Where did you send my comrade?"

"A place he can be watched."

Akemi arched a brow. "So, I can trust that you won't hurt him?"

"Yes...Not hurt yet. Yume likes him. Curious about his floating hair. So he'll live. For now." He narrowed his grey eyes and aimed his hands at her. "But you, no. You I hurt. You are nuisance. Goodbye."

He shot all ten of his digits at her but his eyes widened when her hair slashed them into powder. Akemi smirked. "Impressive aim Shinigami, but sadly I'm not in the mood to play your games right now."

Akemi had already figured that if the lower level was where Shota was then he was likely being guarded and most likely the entire lower level would be crawling with other children. She believed that Shinigami was telling the truth, that Shota was indeed safe. She even smirked. Knowing her husband he was most likely trying to talk his child-captors into surrendering.

She assessed the situation and frowned.

*I don't want to fight these children...they aren't villains, their victims. To use my quirk on them would be a scandalous act regardless if they attack us or not. I won't use it on them if I don't absolutely have to. That boy though...Shinigami, he's clearly the biggest threat. I have to get to Genkaku's uncle and take him down fast.* She looked around. *If I can't go through them, or down, then the only option above.*

She turned to Genkaku and spoke with an over her shoulder gaze. "Asylum, the more time we spend with the children the less of a chance we'll get to bring your uncle down without exhausting our stamina trying to out wit them. I'm going on alone. I'm entrusting you to get through to these kids without giving them anymore psychological trauma than they already have understand?"

"Understood! Don't worry we know what to do. It's like what Erasure Brat always says: it's only logical for you to go on alone."

The Demon spoke with a wild grin on Genkaku's face. "Just Don't Bloody Up That Bastard To Badly Before I Get There!"

Akemi smirked and slammed her titanium hair into the ceiling creating a hole that she ultimately jumped through. She smirked. Not a single child in sight. She ran down the hallway with a purpose in her narrowed blood red gaze.

*Make it quick you two...I'll likely need you later...*

Shinigami's eyes widened in rage. "NO!" He tried to run for the hole in the ceiling but Genkaku suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Demon smirked and tripped Shinigami to land face first on the floor.

Shinigami snarled and sat up only to see the other children in straight jackets. "Sorry about this kiddos but we're going to have a little chat."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora