Chapter 278: "Yuina, who the hell is this little Gutterpunk?"

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They walked towards the downtown area.

Yuina casually bumped Osamu's hip with her own as she smirked playfully. "Sooo start talking Osamu."

He sighed and stared at her with a smirking half glare as she stuck her tongue out at him before walking two steps ahead.

*Heh, annoying...*

He sighed again and spoke with his hands stuffed into his pockets. "My dad died due to an accident at work when I was just starting junior high. My mom was a part of the Interrogation Core at Tartarus...she's been apart of it since before meeting my dad. But...walking through the minds of way to many psychopaths, dealing with questionable work ethics, long work hours, and little to no sleep after my dad died and you can understand how she's like this now. It all just piled up and she snapped."

"She's not insane...she's just not all there most days. It's like Alzheimer's in a medical terminology. She's been at the psychiatric hospital since the start of second term of Junior High. My dad was apart of the Safety Committee for the Hero Societies stronghold within the government and the head boss took pity on me and my mom because he was good friends with my dad. He's paying the bills for my apartment, and medical bills for my mom. However, given my quirk being a great asset for the hero society I'm trying to make up for that generosity. I'll start by becoming a recognized Pro as soon as I get out of U.A."

Yuina frowned as his words sunk in. "That sounds like a lot of pressure though?"

Osamu frowned and kicked a rock without meeting her gaze. "Yeah..."

She smirked softly and nudged his shoulder to rouse him out of his thoughts. "Hey now there's no need for being so glum. For what's its worth I'm sorry. I know you said that friendships are pointless but...having friends means that your never lonely. Regardless of what you believe know that I'm here to listen if you ever need someone else besides your mom to talk to?"

Osamu blinked over her caring voice. His ears turned red from embarrassment when he finally realized just how beautiful she was. He spoke with a stutter. "Uh...y-yeah, I-I think I'd be f-fine with that."

Yuina however, failed to register what he said and went off on with a long winded remark. "I knew you would say that! Oh come on Osamu you can't go through life not having any-Wait, wait a minute, did you just agree to be friends?"

She gasped when she replayed his answer within her mind and then grinned. She playfully punched his arm. "Ha! I guess I owe Manami some money then. She knew you'd come around!"


"The girl with the stingray hair."


"I'll introduce you tomorrow."

She laughed and took his hand dragging him along in a run. Osamu's ears, all the way down to his face, turned a deep crimson red.

"Come on and don't trip up on the sidewalk Osamu!"

He mumbled something under his breath over her joking when he almost tripped, but otherwise he remained impassive.

They arrived at her home apartment. Yuina smelled the air as they approached the entry door to the apartment.

"Honey glazed pancakes for dinner...yep that means Dads home for dinner."

Right before she took out her keys the door opened and the overprotective papa bear stared Osamu down. Hayato cleared his throat and spoke with his arms lazily crossed over his chest and a eyebrow arch as he leaned against the doorframe.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now