Chapter 221: Painted walls, Grocery shoping, and Naptime with Dadzawa

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I don't own the drawings!

Shota was groaning beside Hitoshi as they were forced to endure a meeting with Nezu about that little confrontation Hitoshi was a part of.

"I know, you said no fighting villains, I take full responsibility for everything..."

"Dad no, your not at fault."

Hitoshi turned towards Principal Nezu. "It was my fault Principal Nezu but...if I hadn't...they would've assaulted her. How can I just standby and do nothing? It isn't rational!"

Instead of scolding them Nezu smiled. "I see your father's logical mindset has rubbed off on you young Hitoshi. I didn't call you both here to scold you. I wish to applaud you young man for all that you said surrounding U.A."

Nezu smiled brightly in gratitude. "You did this school a great service and showed immense maturity beyond your years regarding the scrutiny we've received over the past few semesters. You should be incredibly proud of your son Aizawa."

Shota blinked at Nezu and then smiled at the stunned expression on Hitoshi's face. "Yeah I sure am."

"I'm granting you further permission to train him as though he were your intern, but please don't make this a habit...once is enough."

Shota smirked and Hitoshi nodded.

"Of course Sir."
Shota sighed and ran his hand through his hair as they headed back to Heights Alliance. "Well that went...better than I thought it would."

"I know I was half expecting a nap inducing lecture."

"I was half expecting to be placed under a remedial (proper teaching) class like what happened to Nobuyuki one semester after Recovery Girl testified she'd quit if he didn't learn, or worse, having my teaching license suspended for a few months. We'd have to beg the grandparents for extra savings. Especially with Emiko's now massive growth spurts and picky appetite, plus cat food, people food, and now Eri."

"Yikes we got lucky then huh?"

"No, you just impressed him enough with your level headed maturity to have him give us an administrative pardon for going against his wishes."

"So you're basically saying we got lucky then..."

Shota scoffed and wrapped a arm around his smirking sons shoulder and ruffled his hand through his sons hair. "Yes we got extremely lucky. Nezu may seem all nice and forgiving but that little animal man can hold a grudge."

They entered the dormitory and blinked over seeing all of Eri's stuff outside in the common room and Eri sitting patiently on her bed that was closest to the sofas.

Shota smirked as he crossed his arms. "She kicked you out huh kiddo?"

Eri pouted at him. "Daddy that's not funny!"

Shota smirked and suddenly turned his head as a high pitched, "Baba" entered his ears.

Emiko was waddling towards him with wobbly steps. She was still getting used to walking in shoes. Shota smirked softly and picked her up.

"Heya sweetie is mommy being a stingy mother dragon and keeping you and your big sister away from the bedroom?"

Emiko giggled happily before shouting.


"Ooo I see so mommy's painting flowers? What kinda flowers?"


Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now