Chapter 286: The Arguement

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The dormitory was eerily quiet when Akemi stepped through the front door. It was late as in past 9:00pm late. Even for so late at night, there was something unnatural and unsettling about the stillness of it all. She took off her shoes as quietly as she could when she entered into the living quarters of their dormitory apartment.

With any luck Shota would be sleeping and she could have a few more hours to rehearse her thoughts, though she doubted time would help her plead be any better received from the man in question.

She had really messed up this time...well they both had...granted she could own up to her mistake but the impending confrontation now was something she'd been dreading ever since she told him to leave...

Since she made their daughters cry over something that had happened years ago.

A light was suddenly switched on behind the closed bedroom door. Akemi let out a shaking gasp and waited for Shota's rhythmic footfalls but when he failed to walk out of their bedroom to greet her, Akemi gulped.

Her whole body was wound up tight like a bowstring as she walked towards the door. The fact he turned on the light meant that he was waiting for her. The fact that he failed to open the door meant that he was still pissed off.

She turned the door handle and it clicked but she was shaking. As she bit her lip over her emotions she heard him. "Open the door Akemi."

His voice was quite but not without a irritated edge to it. It was as good as being summoned by an executioner. She gulped again and opened the door.

She stepped inside and closed the door before turning towards the source of the voice. Shota was wearing his capture scarf and only a pair of black boxers. His right hand was rubbing against the grey fabric of the capture scarf in a fight to calm himself down. He was sitting upon the edge of their bed; his face slightly illuminated by a single lamp light.

His obsidian eyes were stubbornly refusing to look at her, choosing to focus solely on a single spot on the floor. His voice was distant, but it didn't fail to have a certain disapproving edge in his overall tone.

"You missed dinner...a shame, it was quite a sight...everyone was so quiet...the girls were quiet. No one dared to speak to me or ask about one...not even Emiko. I've never seen her look so motivated to eat all her peas and carrots. She hates peas...and yet she ate it all without throwing them at Hizashi's face. Not if she were afraid I'd get mad at her too..."


He refused to acknowledge her in favor of continuing. "When I looked at was like I was watching her eat during those weeks after rescuing her from Chisaki." He clenched his hands into shaking fists. "She was as silent as a mouse, to timid to speak. Her little eyes were downcast gazing at a flower crown resting upon her lap."

He looked up at her. "The flower crown she had intended to give to you, Akemi."

Akemi swallowed guiltily. On the nightstand was a now slightly wilting flower crown. It made her feel even worse.

His eyes were so cold. Akemi had only seen such a look on his face only towards villains.

She wanted to say that this was all her fault, just so he wouldn't glare at her and get their discussion over with.

But this argument wasn't solely her fault...he already knew that, he was likely blaming himself as well.

"Shota...I," her voice was weak, on the verge of pleading.

He turned his head with a scoff as his hair concealed his face. Akemi winced as she felt the atmosphere in the room become heavier. His body posture was rigid, as if he might explode at any minute.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now