Chapter 274: Unexpected but not Unwelcome

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Hitoshi was concerned and confused about what he had just read. He had jotted down notes and continued reading only to smile as it all made since.

Miyu groaned upon waking to her stomach being a pain in the ass. She rolled over and dragged herself up into a sitting position while gripping the nearby trashcan and cleansed her stomach with a hacking cough. She then felt a warm hand rubbing soothing circles against her back and she looked up at the person that was touching her and stared at Hayato.

His eyes were unreadable but his voice spoke volumes. "Miyu! Oh darling are you alright? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I..." She turned back to the trashcan and vomited up more bile contents that vaguely resembled the remaining breakfast and groaned deeply as she turned to him only to have him wipe her mouth with a wet cloth.

"I didn't know I was sick?"

"Miyu..." His voice was deeply concerned as he caressed her cheek. Her eyes suddenly became moist with tears as she sniffed with a trembling lower lip.

"You-You could've died..."

Hayato rested his forehead against hers and sighed softly. "Miyu this is hardly the time to talk about that Home Alone staircase fiasco."

He continued to caress her cheekbone and spoke softly. "Your not well..." His eyes softened into a pleading look. "Please just rest, it's only been a few minutes, we have four hours to talk about this. Just please rest."

Miyu groaned at him and tightened her grip on his free hand. "I thought you were joking back then when you told me."

He chuckled hesitantly and she glared at him in irritation. "You were smirking and everything! You could've been dead but you didn't say squat to me! You better have a good reason once I wake up again you big idiot..."

He smirked softly and moved her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. "I do Miyu...and that reason doesn't need a long winded reply. That reason is you. It shouldn't matter anymore, I'm alive. What matters right now is that your sick."

Miyu sighed as her eyes closed again. "I'm so tired...promise me you'll be here when I wake up again."

Hayato caressed her knuckles and spoke softly as he lifted her hand up to kiss her hand like a well honored gentleman.

"I won't ever leave you Miyu."

She fell asleep soon afterwards. Hayato stared at her and sighed heavily as he kissed her forehead again. The physician arrived a few minutes later and quickly asked him about what happened before waking her. Miyu groaned in anger over her nap interruption but complied with the physician when asked about her symptoms.

The physician jotted everything down and spoke. "I'm sorry to be so forward in this question Miss Aimoto but I have to ask in order to make a proper diagnosis."

"Of course ask away."

"When was your last period?"

Miyu opened her mouth to speak then blinked. "Its been a month since my own trial. I had my period at the beginning of that month but it skipped at the end of the month. I figured it was all the stress of the trial. Another month has passed now since I had my last period...I-I don't understand how this has anything to do with-!"

The physician was smiling and Miyu suddenly realized what that meant and covered her mouth in shock. Hayato's brain was five minutes behind. "Am I missing something here? What does that have to do with-?"

Miyu started crying happily and turned to Hayato and hugged him. She was crying against his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I love you! I love you! I love you!!!"

"Miyu care to tell me what's going on?"

Miyu pulled back and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "Hayato...I'm not sick."

"What-but?" She shushed him with a finger to his lips.

"Hayato..." she reached down to her stomach and smiled brightly. "I'm not sick I'm pregnant! I'm gonna be a mother!"

Static was all Hayato heard after Miyu said those words he croaked out a hoarse reply.

"I'm...gonna be a father..."

Miyu was still getting over the joyful emotions and nodded. "And I'm gonna be a mother!!!"

He blinked. "I'm gonna be a father..."

Miyu squealed in joy and hugged him laughing happily. "I'm Gonna Be A Mother!!!"

When Hayato's brain finally caught up him, a Cheshire wide smile spread across his face as he hugged her. He started sobbing happily against her shoulder. He had no shame in crying over this.

"I'm Gonna Be A Father!!!"

He started mumbling prayer mantras and kissed along her neck as his tears rolled down his face. He was smiling within every kiss until he pulled away trembling as he blinked back his tears.


Miyu smiled with tears in her eyes and he leaned forward to kiss her lips but she stopped him. "Let me wash out my mouth first."

She was handed a cup of specialty mouthwash and felt it instantly disinfect her mouth of all bile residual and she turned to spit it into the trashcan. The moment she smiled lovingly at him Hayato pulled her into a long passionate kiss. He growled against her lips and grabbed the back of her hair keeping her lips against his. Miyu was blushing crimson red and was moaning as he pulled away panting softly. He rested his forehead against hers and sighed happily in a bright smile. Miyu felt like she was flying but suddenly he asked her.

"The wedding dress, was it made of stretchy fabric?"

Miyu blinked and then frowned in immense sorrow upon the sudden realization. It wasn't.

Hayato simply smiled and whispered as his lips rested against her forehead. "Then I guess the wedding is coming sooner than we expected. At least before you really start to show."

His hand was on her stomach and he blinked back the tears. "It's unexpected but not unwelcome."

"Agreed." Miyu heard the door creak and smirked. "Sooo are we going to tell them?"

"Wha-?" The door suddenly opened and four grinning faces appeared and swarmed the couple in a big group hug.


Hayato went tone deaf for a few seconds from Yasuhiro's happy yell. "What? How do you?"

Ayeka spoke. "I know the signs of pregnancy you two. After all I'm living through it, and also helping Kiyomi understand it. Also sudden unexplainable morning sickness and fainting spells are the best indications."

Kiyomi spoke with a smile. "We were also listening in out of concern for Miyu."

Miyu smiled brightly.

Yasuhiro was beaming as he patted Hayato on the back. "Your beating me in the overly proud papa category Hayato."

Hayato couldn't stop smiling and he blinked back the tears. "I should! You all know how much I've wanted children!"

Ayeka then spoke up. "Sooo I take it by the look on Miyu's face that the wedding is going to be sooner than anticipated to account for the baby and the wedding dress not being made of stretchy fabric?"

Miyu bit her lip. "Yes."

Kiyomi smiled. "We got this Miyu. Wedding preparations are my specialty."

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