Chapter 343: Thought we agreed to never speak of that White-Liner Varmint again?

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A couple of Snipe and Nemuri chapters incoming!

Cowboy slang.

California Prayer Book = Deck of cards

Devil's Addition = Red Light District

Twin Blue-Lightnin' = Twin Six-Guns

Blue-Whistlers = Bullets

White Liner = An Alcoholic

Whoremonger = Man who frequents brothels

Ladies of the Line = Prostitutes

Snipe was having a interesting was not at all like yesterday.


Snipe was surprised the Aizawa's called in the old Mental Health Day...for no apparent reason he could possibly think of.

The littlest Smiling Fairy wasn't sick, nor was the Unicorn Princess? He had yet to see Hitoshi.

Maybe it's Hitoshi with a bad illness?

However Vlad's entire persona changed after entering the teachers lounge. He seemed...well, mightily disturbed.

The only words he muttered out of his lips regarding their absence was, "Go talk to Eraser if your that worried! Leave Me Alone Yamada!"

When Snipe finally saw young Hitoshi he looked well, not sick at all. However, he was talking with Principal Nezu who appeared to be disturbed with a look that was soon bordering on vengeful.

It was a look seldom seen on his oftentimes teddy-bearish appearance.

Snipe didn't think to much about it during lunch, unlike Nemuri and Hizashi.

The Cockatoo was chattering away with a worried tone that was rising with every word.

"What If She Had Another PTSD Attack?"

That got Nemuri panicking. "Or worse! We should go check on them Hizashi!"

Snipe reached out and grabbed their shoulders with a firm grip. He huffed. "Now hold up! Don't ya think you're overreacting a little? Besides if anyone can handle that Rampaging Bull most commonly referred to PTSD then it's Shota Aizawa. Have a little more faith in the man. I expected more faith from you Hizashi you're his adoptive brother after all."

His sweet Kayama turned to him and smirked as she immediately sat down on his lap. "Oh your absolutely right Cowboy!"

Snipe was not blushing deeply underneath his gas mask. Nope he was not! Especially as she ate some of his lunch that he had just unpacked.

"Hey you little thief that's my lunch!"

Kayama smirked as she shifted her crossed legs against his lap in a sexy way that was making his mouth go dry as she purred out her words like a kitten. "But I can't help it if your cooking's this good Cowboy. Granted it's a level below the divine cuisine that is the Yuriemoto's cooking, but it's a close second because it's made by you."

Hizashi was grumbling about all that with Shota and Akemi not sitting right with him, but he didn't say anything else on the matter as he returned to eating his lunch.

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now