Chapter 312: "Their staying together!"

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Genkaku removed the head covering and stared straight into the man's eyes.


"So are you going to kill me too?"

"Nope..." Genkaku crossed his arms over his chest with a smug smirk.

"I doubt the Demon can change his bloodthirsty ways so easily nephew."

The Demon had the smirk turn into a haunting grin. "There was a time when I would've killed you without hesitation, but, I'm trying to be a nice guy, so you'll an example to my enemies."

"Hahahaha! As if you can take me down boy? The Harionago overestimated my abilities and just look at what happened to her...oh it's a real tragedy."

Shota yelled in rage. "A-Akemi—WHA—WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY—!" A hand suddenly grabbed the front of his hero outfit in a strong iron grin.

"Erasure Brat, calm down." Shota turned his gaze to face Genkaku. The level of calmness coming off of Genkaku was mind blowing especially given the Demon's influence on his psyche.

Genkaku spoke. "This, is my fight. Get the boy awake and have him help you lead Harionago outside to the rest of the children. Afterwards, you help me."


"Eraserhead!" Shota's eyes widened over the Demon not calling him Erasure Brat. Genkaku smirked softly. "Relax...We've got this under control." He turned towards his Uncle. "You're going down Uncle." He cracked his knuckles. "I'll gladly beat you unconscious if that's what I have to do to ensure you don't get away."

He made ten clones and they attacked as one.

Shota ran over to Shinigami. "Kid are you okay? Huh..." He saw a bullet lodged into the boys skin. He blinked in horror as he slowly removed it only to see a layer of bone. He then watched in amazement as the boys muscle, tissues, and skin grew back. Shota breathed the kid was breathing. He shook Shinigami awake.

"Kid wake up!"

Shinigami woke up. "Wha—?"

"Welcome back kid. I can tell you helped my wife, so please, I could use your help again. I need you to help me."

Shinigami nodded and they both ran over to Akemi. Shota held her. He assessed her injuries. "Likely a concussion." He hastily wrapped a portion of his scarf around her head. "He...choked her..." His hands clenched into fists. "She must have been almost completely out of stamina for him to overpower her like this. Damit Akemi! Why must you always be so stubborn."

Shinigami was pale faced. "S-She didn't run..."

"She'll live, come on kid!"

They hurried out of the building as Genkaku went to battle against his Uncle. All ten clones were going all out in a martial arts brawl but the moment they were kicked and punched they vanished until Genkaku was left.

The moment Genkaku saw Shota fleeing with Akemi in his arms and Shinigami behind him...his demonic red eyes shifted menacingly towards his Uncle as the man chuckled.

"Typical tactic, focusing all my attention on your clones to allow your comrades and Shinigami to escape."

"You used your quirk on her," The Demon snarled in wrath. "Didn't You?"

His Uncle smirked wickedly. "Your a smart boy. What did you think would happen when she came here alone? She should've paralyzed me when she had the chance. But she was to busy worrying about the boy to notice me."

Continuation Shota Aizawa x Akemi Yuriemoto (Aizawa)Where stories live. Discover now